21 : Hot morning

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Morning after....

I wake up with the worst headache I've ever experienced in my life.

It hurts.

A lot.

Touching my head I could feel the stiffness left by the hairspray on my hair from last night and my make-up still sitting on my face.


I try to remember what had happened. I know me and the girls went out...

Little things are still stuck in my memory like, having drinks with the new girl and crying in the bathroom after feeling guilty.... but after that, everything is a big blur.

I taste mint..? I must've brushed my teeth before getting into bed. Yet, I don't remember if I spoke to Nathan and if he was mad or not... I hope not.

Yawning as I push myself up on my elbows, unaware of where I am or what time it is, I feel around me.

Soft blankets and pillows, I must be in bed.

That's when I heard soft breathing coming from beside me.

It's Nathan's breathing. His breathing pattern is so recognizable and calming. He alway sounds so at peace and content.

Maybe he's dreaming of me. Hehe... Well actually...Probably not.

Definitely not after last night....

I hope he's not too mad at me. I don't want the little time we have together, be spend angry. I really missed him. I wish he'd spend more time with me. But I don't want to sound ungrateful.

He bought me gifts. Clothes. Flowers. He takes care of me. He gave me friends. Love.

And I know he is the boss of his own company so he has to work a lot...

But I do miss him.

It was different when I still had a job. It wasn't as noticeable, but now that I'm home alone the entire time, it's been harder...

I surpress another yawn as my bladder reminded me of why I woke up in the first place.

Trying my best not to wake him up, I carefully shuffle myself towards my side without moving too much. As I was about to get up, I feel a hand grab my arm, making me yelp.

''Where the hell do you think you're going?'' ''P-Peeing...?'' I whisper back after he scared me. I thought he was asleep.

Laying my hand on my chest, I could feel my heart beating fast.

"Fine." He sighs. "But hurry up.'' he let's go of my arm before turning around.

"Okay..." I say, refraining myself from asking why I needed to hurry up. It's not like we had a flight to catch. 

Maybe he misses me...

I make up an excuse for the way he's acting as I make my way towards the bathroom.

That's when I noticed something was off...

The room feels larger. I also had to take more steps than usual. Or maybe it's just in my head? Could be hungover me...

Should be here....

A soft thump echoes through the room, which was me hitting the wall.

''Ow...What the...." I whisper out loud.

As if my headache wasn't bad enough.

"Thanks a lot..." I mutter out. Feeling a little annoyed at Nathan for not even asking if I'm okay or if I need help.

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