15: Shopping

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We were all eating at the dinner table after I made sandwiches and French toast for everyone.

"Am I forgiven?" Josh asks me and I look at Rosie. "Rosie what do you think?"

"Mh...No. He should be punished." She giggles to herself.

"Ayeyo Rose what the hell! I thought we were cool. I even showed you that cool calming technique." "That's called breathing...'' ''It worked!'' ''You made my head hit the window!" She yells back. "You still on that? It was your mistake let's be honest."

"No I think she's right." Ivanna meddles in.

"Of course you do." Josh sighs.

"So girls. What should we do to him?" Keiran asks them, raising his eyebrows at me with a devious smirk.

"Mhhh... Go outside and hug a mailbox for 10 minutes... in a funny onesie!" Rosie yells out.

"Dump a bunch of legos on the floor and make him walk over it!"

"Damn Ivanna. Vengeful much?" I chuckle.

"Guys how about this. Josh stays here tomorrow and he'll be your personal assistant. Butler. You name it." Keiran smiles at Josh who looks defeated. "Come on man. You can't be serious!" He looks at me for help and I give him a smile.

"Dead serious."

"I hate my life." He drops his head onto his crossed arms on the table.

"You'll live. So Nate, how was it at your dads house? The old man still working?" "Always. You know him. Even now." I answer keiran as I wipe Rosie's face off.

"You like it huh?" I chuckle at her little smile and nod.

"So yeah he has some work for us to do but we can talk about that later. What about you Ivanna? I heard you had a job interview?"

"Right.. I didn't get the job.... But it's okay!" She quickly changes her tone when her eyes land on Rosie's. "You didn't get it?" Rosie asks surprised. "No but it's oka-" Rosie jumps off her chair, her hand sliding over the table until she's at Ivanna and hugs her. "M'sorrey" she kisses her cheek making Ivanna giggle. "That tickles. It's okay. I promise."

"Ask Ellie. She might have a job you can do. She's a fashion designer and could use some help."

"What about me??" Rosie taps my side. "You can ask too, of course." I tell her making her smile. "Sup future coworky." She puts her fist out for Ivanna to bump. "Maybe coworky." Ivanna puts her fist against hers.

"When can we ask?"

"I called Ellie and she should be right over. While you guys go shopping, me and the guys are gonna do some work, okay?" I tell her when she taps my leg. "What's wrong?" "I wanna leave... talk in private?" She whispers into my ear.

"Excuse us for a second." I grab her hand and lead her upstairs to our room.

She jumps into the soft bean bag, almost missing it and hitting her head. "Careful Rosie." I sternly say after letting, the breath I was holding, go.

I almost had a heart attack.

She turns around in the bean bag and sighs. "I don't want you to go work." Ah. "I know angel but I have to. I run the... company. I can't not go."

"Yeah you can...I don't wanna go shopping. I wanna be with you." She pouts.

"C'mere." I lift her up from the bean bag and place her in my lap after I sit down on our bed.

"What's really wrong. You've been apart from me before. Is it because of what happened with Josh?" She shakes her head. "Then what is it?" "Nothing..." "Rosie." "It's nothing! I just...I don't know Ellie... and I don't like shopping. I don't wanna be alone either."

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