16 : broken rules

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Nathan's point of view

''I want my playlist. Your music's shit.'' Josh whines as he pokes Keirans neck with a pen to annoy him.

''Knock it off.''

''Something's wrong.'' I could sense that something was off. None of my cousins have ever lived in this town, let alone this poor area.

None of them would be meeting me in a parking garage either, at least not one without camera's.

I turn the music off.

''I don't like this'' I say after waiting a minute at the arranged spot.

I put the car in reverse and look behind me, when a big black suv blocks my way.

"Uh oh.'' I hear Josh say and both of them immediately grab their gun.

I look forward at what they were looking at and see people getting out of another black suv carrying Mp5's.

We're blocked in.

''That doesn't look like your cousin.'' Kieran says as the only man without a gun walks over to our car.

''Nope. That's Gustavo.'' I sigh as he knocks on my window with a big smile, revealing his gold teeth.

I let the window roll down all the way which went rather slowly.

''I thought I smelled something."

"Get out of the car.''

I slowly but calmly unbuckle my seatbelt. ''Nate. What're you doing.'' Keiran asks worried as he had his gun still aimed at Gustavo's shiny forehead.

''He's following orders. Can't you tell?'' Gustavo wipes his gelled, black hair back as I opened my car-door.

''Nate???'' Josh whispered afraid as his men opened their doors and forced them out.

I throw my hands up as I see eigth of his men with guns aimed at me and my family.

''Easy with them.'' I warn the guys forcing them onto their knees by kicking the back of their legs.

''Nathan?!'' the guys exclaimed as he held a gun to my head.

I chuckle as I lower my hands.

''Relax boys. He doesn't want to kill me. He wants to do business.''

His stare turned into a grin.

''How did you know.'' he looks intrigued as he lowers the gun.

''You would've shot me.''

He chuckles. ''I always wondered how you got so much business when you guys suck ass. Must be instincts. Genes. You're so sure of yourself thinking no one can take over yet you're reluctant to fight for it." He speaks as he pets his goatee. "Nobody fears you anymore Nate. You know that right.''

''Respect and loyalty goes a long way.'' I answer him.

''Respect?!'' He exlaims as he laughs dramatically, echoing throughout the garage.

''You disrespect the profession. How this world was built.'' he spits into my face aiming his gun under my chin. "Your father must be so disappointed in you. You don't bring in new clients. You don't build his empire. You're tearing it down. Your father never had rules when he was boss. None of us do. You're weak."

''And you talk too much. Get to your point.'' I sigh wondering why he's wasting my time, lecturing me on our ancestors.

He pulls the gun away and steps back laughing.

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