6 : A real date - part one

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Her point of view

I was awoken by the sound of a vacuum continiously hitting the door. Carmen must be vacuuming the hall?

I sit up and touch the bed beside me.


Awe. Nathan is probably still working...

I pat around on the bed until I feel the familiar shape and feel of Tantor. ''Stop trying to escape!'' I kiss him on his slurf ''you're stuck with me for life buddy, whether you like it or not.'' I smirk.

I pause and think of how wrong that sounds. Am I in my villain era?

Who am I kidding.

"...with your consent of course...'' I quickly add. I shake his head back and forth as if he was nodding his head. ''Glad we agree. My safe word is apples!'' I inform him. I hate apples. Apple juice, apple pie, apple sauce..... 

I hate a lot of things...

I'm very picky.


I take a deep breath. "As I was saying... We're a team now Tantor, you and me. In case these people turn out to be nutjobs, we'll have each other!'' I hug him tightly.

''I don't know if Nathan is a nutjob. I really do like him! I just don't know much about him, yet. I've only really known him for a day ya know? Us meeting at the bar didn't really count.... That's why I tried to secretly listen in on his conversation over the phone earlier, just to know exactly what he does but he caught me.... well technically I failed the secret part...'' I update Tantor.

I wonder where he is and how long I've been out for. I pull the blankets away and grab my ankle to see if it's still swollen. The pain I felt earlier in my ankle has subsided a bit so that means I was asleep for a while. I should go get my watch out of my backpack so I know what time it is. 

But that means I have to leave this bed. I sigh out loud and throw myself back down. His bed is so soft and comfy! I really don't want to get out....

I could call Carmen....? But she sounded busy... I don't want to bother her. 

I groan as I slide out of bed, still wearing Nathans oversized, short sleeve t-shirt. I stop when the soft feeling of a rug underneath my feet, change into cold, hardwood floors. My body shivers at the sudden change in temperature. 

I should put my socks back on...

I get on my knees to look for them when the door swings open. 

I jump up. ''Rose. What're you doing?'' Keirans voice echoed through the hall. ''You didn't have to scare me like that! I-I was looking for my socks...'' I breathe out. ''My bad...but don't just go through his things! There could be... sharp objects placed there. You never know....DONT!'' he grabbed my arm and pulled me away from his nightstand.

''Did you not hear me?'' ''I-I'm sorry...?'' I apologize softly, still confused. I don't know why he's all of a sudden so tense for no reason. 

I hear him sigh. ''It's fine''

''Your socks are on the bed by the way'' he grabs my hand to help me up and hands me my socks. ''Thank you... but uhm...I thought you were out working for Nathan?'' I ask as I sit down on the bed to put my socks on. ''I was but I already finished. He asked me to keep an eye on you, keep you entertained until he's back.'' he explains why he's here. 

''So what do you wanna do?'' I ask as I jump off the bed, carefully avoiding jumping on my bad foot. 

''Maybe put on some pants first...'' he awkwardly suggests. I touch my bare legs. ''Right...'' I forgot. ''Sorry..'' Luckily the shirt is big enough to cover my butt. Makes it a little less embarrassing... 

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