7: A real date - part two

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After a short half hour I arrived home. I nod my head at the guard who opened the gates for me.

''Evening Niles'' I greet him as he held the door open for me. ''Evening sir.''

I turn around with the cake in my hand. ''Need a hand?'' Keiran now next to me. ''Don't do that.'' I mutter annoyed at his quiet way of walking. ''I thought you were watching Rosie?'' I ask as I hand him the bouquet of flowers. ''I was, but she went to grab her watch and I saw you on the camera's pulling up so I thought I'd come and help.'' I make him hold the bag of chinese food in his other hand. ''Smells good'' he says as he sniffs the air. I wonder if he's talking about the chinese takeout or the flowers.

I follow him into my room. ''Just put them on my dresser'' I point out where he could put the stuff down. ''Oh and you have to take your knives and guns out of reach and not in your nightstand. Rose almost accidentally grabbed one when she was looking for her clothes.'' he warns me. ''Is she okay? Did you tell her?!'' ''No. But you have to start babyproofing everything...'' he chuckles at his own choice of words, but he had a point. I don't want her falling over anything or hitting any sharp edges or grabbing anything dangerous.

''Make an appointment with an interior designer and a landscaper for tomorrow.'' I just got a few ideas. I'm gonna ask her to move in permanently. If she says yes I want to make this her home as much as it is mine.

The thought already makes me nervous. I wasn't worried about anyone reporting her missing. I took care of that when I sent the boys after her friends. I was worried about her saying no. Leaving me. I need her to stay but I want her to want to stay.

''Whatever you say'' he didn't bother asking why. ''I'm gonna check on Rose'' he said as he walked out.


I was blowing up some balloons and then stopped. ''Shit what am I doing.'' I throw the rest back in the bag when I realized I'm wasting my time. She won't even be able to see them.

I fix my messy bed and spray some of my cologne on.

I check if I need to reheat the chinese but it luckily stayed warm as it's still wrapped up.

I walk down the hall to the living room where I see Rosie jumping up and down on the couch as she's watching a little hawaiian kid fight a ginger while some blue koala thing is taking pictures, on tv. ''What on earth are you guys watching?'' Rosie turns towards me before yelling out ''Lilo and stitch!'' which did not ring a bell.

I just realized she could indeed watch movies. Just not watch them.

''Rosie get down. You could fall.'' I say stern and slap Keiran on the back of his head as I walk passed him. ''What the... What was that for?!'' he rubs the back of his head as he turned towards me. ''I told you to watch her. She could've fallen and hit her head on the table... or worse.'' I scold him as I walk towards the kitchen. He gets up and follows me. ''You're telling ME??'' he exclaims loudly. ''I'm not the one who left guns and knives within reach next to her!'' he whispers the last part back.

I roll my eyes. ''I forgot I had those there.'' It was an honest mistake. It's only been a day, I'm still getting used to it.

His phone rings. He looks down at it and smiles. ''It's Ivy'' he says as he picks up the phone. ''Hey babe. How's it going? Having fun?......... I missed you tooo!'' I look at him while fake gagging and laugh as he pushes me away.

She has him wrapped around her fingers.

I walk back into the living room and see Rosie sitting on the floor, criss cross, next to the tv's speakers. ''What're you doing princess?'' I walk over to her and crouch down to her level. ''Keiran accidentally turned the volume down, probably with his big butt... when he got up off the couch! So..so I couldn't hear it all the way from the couch.... I didn't know which button is for the volume and you guys were talking so..'' she states softly making me smile. What an absolute cutie.

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