13 : Replaced

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Josh's point of view

''It's cold! Hurry up!'' Rose whines as I fumble with my car keys before finally finding the right one.

I should've worn a jacket. My fingers are turning numb. "Get in, the doors open." I tell her after finally unlocking the car.

As I pull my car door open, I hear her head hit the window. ''- JOSH!'' she yells holding her head as I burst out laughing. ''What did I do? I'm sorry I-'' I continue to laugh as she groans in pain.

"Not funny!''

''Riiight. It's hilarious.''

She finally finds the doorhandle and pulls it open.

I sit down just like she did, holding back my laughter. "I meant it's unlocked, not the door is open. I don't know why you would assume th-" ''Just shut up and drive...'' ''Oop- I think I poked the teddy bear.''

Her angry looking face only made it harder for me to stop.

"Can we drive or what?'' she aggressively pulls on her seatbelt. ''It's okay little dummy.''

"Just drive...'' she mutters as the seatbelt clicks, locking her in place.

A loud sigh follows as she sits back.


"Asswipe? Woahhh don't make me call Nathan to tell him his girlfriend has a big potty mouth." I tease her.

''Then I'll tell him it's your fault I'm late.'' she sassily answer back.

''Ahhhh. Finally. I've turned you into a worthy opponent... Well played.''

''You? Never.'' she mumbles before pushing down on all the buttons until a loud sound of music came out, probably to avoid conversation.

Which is fine by me.

I'm just wondering why they put me in charge. Sort of. Maybe she likes me more?

After a few minutes of listening to the radio, I turn the volume down to ask her. "What're you doi-" "Just out of curiosity. Do you like me more or Keiran?"

I mean we both kidnapped her so that doesn't count. I'm definitely the funniest. Everyone likes me more than Mr know it all and Mrs know it better.

It has to be me.

"Mhhh....definetly Kei-" "You know what, don't answer that. I know I'm definitely your favourite. You don't need to say it."

She rolls her eyes at me with a chuckle and doesn't answer.

I know deep down she likes me the most. It's early in the morning. Nobody thinks clear before lunch.


''So...'' she repeats in a more awkward tone.

''You and Nate, pretty serious eh?'' I tease her.

''I'd say so... why? Has he said something to make you think otherwise?'' she sits up.

Sheesh. Overthinker much?

"What? No? I was just saying that because of the renovation.'' I point out the fact that completly renovating and adjusting a part of your house for someone, something which is almost irreversable, is therefore a pretty big thing or step in the relationship.

''Yeahhh...'' she giggles. ''Oh, you're excited? Aren't you scared? '' I know I'd be. I look over and see her fidget with her hands. ''A little... Josh?'' ''Yeah?'' ''Can I ask you something?'' ''Of course...''

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