2 : Taken

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His point of view

"One job Keiran. You had one job!" I rub my temple with my fingers. These men are giving me a headache.

"I know Nate but the new guy-"

"Do not I know Nate me. How! How could you let him get away? Are you mentally incapable of using that thing in your head?" I aggressively tap my fingers on my temple to make a point.

I promised myself I wouldn't contact Rose until I had this whole mess behind me. It's almost been a week and these idiots can't finish a simple job.

"Forget it!" I drop myself into my chair with a loud sigh. Do I have to do everything myself?

My office door flies open. "Josh you better have some good news or I swear..." I start off already irritated.

"We found him." Finally someone that immediately gets to the point. "Well? What're you waiting for? Go get him!" Do I have to spell it out for them first?

"Get out!" I grab my gun from my desk and shoot a few rounds right next to the door to get out some of the anger I had built up.

As they left, Carmen walks in, my maid and the occasional therapist.

"What?" I ask as she keeps side eyeing me.

"Nothing sir. You just seem a little on edge. More than usual."

She starts dusting off my throphies that were in the middle of my bookshelves.

"That'll happen to you when you got baffoons as friends, working for you." the only reason they're still here, is because they're my best friends.

I just need this to be handled so I can go see my princess without putting her in harms way.

My mom walks in with a dissaproving look on her face. ''Not the wall Nate! Aim better next time, would you?'' she sighs looking at the holes in the wall. ''Could you vacuum that up for me darling? When you have the time.'' she told Carmen before focusing back on me.

''Come downstairs, I made dinner, it'll cheer you up.'' she says walking over to me, her high heels clicking on the hard wood below her feet. ''Not hungry Ma'' I put the gun in my desk as she tries to pull me out of the chair. ''Come on. Let's go! Don't make me get your father.'' I roll my eyes as I get up. 

Rule number one. Family comes first, cause family is everything. Blood related or not.

''Your sister said you've been feeling a bit down lately, a bit agitated. What's wrong?'' she asks as she walks beside me towards the dining room. ''Nothing. Ellie doesn't know anything.'' I say annoyed about my little sister. ''Your father has a guy in room number three who needs to talk. You wanna go have some fun? Mh? Maybe that'll cheer up my pretty boy'' she said rubbing my back. 

I guess I could do that. I need to let some anger out anyways. I shrug.

''That's my boy''

Her point of view

I can't believe I had to pack my whole life in a suitcase and a backpack. ''Thank you for helping me....'' It came out as almost a whisper. I hold my soft elephant Tantor close to my chest as I take a last look around my room. I'm gonna miss my comfy bed and my special window. 

''So all I have.... is a pull out couch but..... I think we could make it work'' Marsha pushes her weight down on my suitcase to get it to close. 

''Thank you Marsha. I'll clear out my stuff every morning and turn the couch back into a couch! I promise. You won't even notice me!'' I try to convince her even though she already said yes. ''It's fine. As long as you don't eat all my snacks or I'll flip the couch with you in it.'' she warned me in a joking manner. 

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