1 : Blind date

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( somebody mentioned adding pictures to my story would help! So I did♥️ If you've read this before, I haven't changed anything other than added pics - that are not mine!)

If you're new - Welcome! I hope you enjoy my story

Any other suggestions? Let me know!


Her point of view

I pulled my bar stool closer to the bar as I held my hand up to get John's attention. ''A drink please!'' I spoke with a dry throat and a dose of nerves that could paralyze a horse.

I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone.

''Hey. You'll be fine'' John said encouraging as he placed the drink on the wooden coaster in front of me.

I guess I don't have much of a poker face.

''We'll see about that...'' I whispered for my ears only.

It wasn't everyday that I'd go out by myself. Today is special. Today is my first blind date.

Or so I thought.

45 minutes later....

Slouched forward, my elbow on the bar as my hand was holding my head up. I sigh loudly. My fingertips glide over the rim off the glass until I found a hold of my straw.

I get caught up in my own thoughts as I play around with it in my already empty glass. This was not how I imagined my first date going when I played it out in my head.

There wasn't any romantic music, no dancing, no flowers or even a guy.

Did I ask Santa for too much? Maybe I should've been more specific.

I feel like I've been waiting for hours...

Maybe he got stuck in traffic? Or he lost his phone... went to the wrong bar? My mind was piling up excuses, possibilities, anything but him standing me up.

I sigh as I lift my head off my arm to grab my wrist and trail my fingers over my braille watch. This must be the third time I checked.

Almost an hour late. I can't believe I'm still waiting. How desperate I must look to John.

''Hasn't shown up yet?'' John asks a hint of annoyance in his voice. ''What am I doing here John? What did I expect to happen? A blind person going on a blind date. What a joke. I must look like a fool to you. Am I really that desperate?'' I rant. ''Maybe I am...'' I admit embarrased.

It was never fun hearing all the stories from friends and their boyfriends when I've never even held someone's hand at twenty-one. But would I really force it or settle because of desperation?

''Don't say that. You are amazing. He doesn't know what he just missed.'' I feel his hand on mine as a sign of sympathy.

I know he means well but I just felt like complete sh*t. He really stood me up. Or did he see me or the cane and turned around?

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