11 : shower time

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Daddy's obnoxious alarm went off, waking the both of us.

He turns it off as he yawns.

"Princess...we have to get up" he gently tries to wake me by kissing my arm. I groan in response and turn to my right side, away from him.

I don't want to get up. I want more sleep. It feels like I just went to bed.

I hear the light switch, which has no effect on me or my sleep and him picking up his phone. "Agh it's already six am. This house will be filled with working men in an hour." I feel him get out of bed.

"You don't wanna walk around in your underwear while they're here do you?" He asks as he pulls on my blanket.

I honestly wouldn't mind as long as they let me sleep...

I lay down on my stomach right before he yanks the blankets off and lands a harsh slap on my butt. "Hey! Ouch!" I yell as I rub my cheek. "Looked too good not to." He chuckles. "Now get up. I'm gonna take a shower. Feel free to join." I hear him whisper before closing my bedroom-door behind him.

I just start blushing. "Not happening mister." I whisper to myself as I stretch and hear the birds chirping outside my window. They make such cute sounds to communicate. I wish we could talk to animals.

"I should start gathering my clothes and get ready before daddy comes back. Stay here." I tell Tantor as I kiss the top of his head.

I look for my suitcase with my clothes and bathroom stuff in it.


I can't find it anywhere. I feel like my hands have touched every inch of this room and it's just not there. I guess I'll have to wear yesterdays outfit, but I still need a toothbrush and maybe a comb.

I decide to walk over to daddy's room and borrow his stuff. His door squaks as I open it so I tiptoe over to his closet. Might as well borrow a clean shirt from him. "What do you think you're doing?" Daddy's voice startled me. I let go of his closet door that made a loud banging noise as it closed.

"I-I thought you were showering?" I say a little embarrassed.

"I was about to. What are you doing in my closet? Mh? I'm pretty sure not going through other peoples stuff was a rule Rosie." He playfully teases as he wraps his arms, from behind me, around me. His warm hands grab onto my waist before pulling me back against his chest.

"I lost my suitcase and my bathroom stuff!" I say in defence as I inhale his delicious scent.

"I already packed your suitcase. It's in the car. I guess you'll just have to use some of my stuff." His husky morning voice whispers in my ear as he kisses my neck. "It's probably easier to shower here than bring everything there, right?" I simply nod my head as he continues placing small gentle kisses right below my ear.

"Wanna go first?" He mumbles, his lips still on my neck. The voice. The physical touch. His smell. It was driving me wild. I unconsciously tilt my neck to the side to give him more excess earning a smile from his lips.

"I-I mean... I'm only used to the way my bathroom looks... I don't know where everything is in yours..." I try telling him I wouldnt mind showering together without being too direct.

"Want me to show you?" I could feel my heart beat faster as I nod. He grabs my hand and leads me into his bathroom. "Strip. I'll get the water running." He casually says as if it's an everyday thing. "Uhh I-"

"Rosie. The waters running." "Maybe later..." I change my mind. The confidence I had two seconds ago is gone.

Reality hits me and so did my nerves.

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