Chapter 27: Been There Before

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POV: Kiara

"Oh look who's here. Maharaja and Maharani!" Bhai said while rolling his eyes while we entered the house.

"Let them come in at least," Ma said.

"Thank you ma, you are seriously a lifesaver!" Armaan came in and hugged Ma from behind.

"Ma, what are you doing up so late?" I questioned. I mean come on it was past midnight.

"I was concerned for you both. Did u see the time plus I couldn't sleep so I and your bhai started playing board games and we were completely lost in it," Ma said while I nodded.

"Okay, go to sleep both of you," Ma commanded and gave Armaan a peck on his forehead but not me. That's so unfair!

Armaan saw my upset face and without a warning, my legs were now swinging in the air. This time he didn't pick me up in bridal style but instead, my body was hanging on his one shoulder. Uff why is this so hot?! He then started walking up the stairs towards my-, sorry I meant our bedroom.

"Ma, I think I'm gonna be a mamu soon," I heard bhai say to Ma while she gave him a light punch and said, "I hope so," and they both started laughing.

"Soon!" Armaan said out loud for all of us to hear and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

We arrived inside our room and Armaan gently placed me down on the bed. He then went into our walk-in closet and got my pjs.

"You should change and then we can go to sleep unless you want-" I lightly punched Armaan on the chest while getting up. I knew exactly what he was going to say with that smirk on his face.

I quickly got into the bathroom and changed super fast. I don't know why but I really wanted to go to him and just cuddle him.

I stepped out of the bathroom to find him on the bed shirtless!

"You can stop checking me out wifey. You've got your entire life to eye-fuck me," he said while smirking. God!

I power walked towards the bed and Armaan unexpectedly pulled my waist closer to him and we both cuddled. "Good night wifey," he whispered in my ear. "good night hubby," I whispered back and we both drifted off to sleep in each other's loving embrace.

POV: Armaan

I groaned when I felt water droplets on my face. My reflexes made me turn to the other side but it was no use, the water droplets kept hitting my face.

"Stop the rain dadi," I said in my sleepy voice.

"Dadi?" I heard the most melodious voice. I slowly opened my eyes to see Kiara standing right in front of me with her hands on her hips. Today she was wearing a blue sari, uff, she looked too hot! and her hair was wet, oh... so that's where the water droplets were coming from.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer towards me and she landed on my chest.

"Armaan let me go!" Cinnamon begged.

"I've held your hand to hang on to not to let go, Cinnamon," I said. I could feel her heart beating fast as we were so close. I leaned in even more closer and our lips brushed across until that dick fuck barged into the room without any warning.

"Holy shit! I'm so sorry, I didn't think... Oh god! I didn't see anything," Siddharth said while looking away.

Cinnamon immediately pushed back and looked down while I gave a pissed face.

"What do you want?!" I said in a very pissed voice.

"Can I look now?" he asked while I threw a pillow at him.

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