Chapter 18: Aggression

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POV: Kiara

After a long tiring day, I decided to go home as it was already 8 pm. I quickly ran to the car park and got into my car but before I could start it I thought about Armaan and his behaviour last night. He was worse than a monster. I didn't want to face him, I just wanted to go back home to my parents. I thought my parents loved me then why did they throw me in this shit hole. Why are they being unfair to me, hell, why is life being unfair to me? What did I ever do?

As much as I wanted to avoid going home I had to. I am now a daughter-in-law and a sister-in-law therefore I need to take responsibility.

While driving, all I could think about was where I was going to sleep at night. Should I sleep on the terrace again or should I sleep in the spare bedroom? But what if others find out, they will start asking me questions that I desperately don't want to answer.

After half an hour, I reached home. The first face I saw was of a girl, probably in her late 20s. She was wearing a maid outfit so I assumed she was one. I smiled at her and went straight for the kitchen. I was hungry af so I decided to dig into the fridge hoping to find some food. When suddenly the same maid approached me from behind making me flinch.

"Ma'am, are you alright? Do you need anything?" she asked.

I smiled, "actually I'm hungry."

"Oh, do you want me to cook anything? We always make fresh food therefore you may not find any real food in the fridge."

What really? Cooking fresh food every day? At home we cook fresh but only if there are not any leftovers. If there are leftovers we usually just eat them or give them away to people who live on the streets, we don't like wasting food.

"Umm, so what do you do with leftovers?" I seriously wanted to know.

"We feed it to the dogs or throw it in the bin."

What? No f'n way! First of all, I didn't know they had dogs and second of all feeding that to dogs was unacceptable. Human food is often contagious to dogs, it's like poison for them, therefore, it is better to feed them food that is made especially for them. Second of all, why throw food in the bin? So many people don't get food and here the rich are just throwing food away like rubbish! Anger started to boil inside of me.

"Umm, what's your name?" I asked.

"Maanvi," she replied with a smile.

"Hi Maanvi, umm... next time if there are leftovers could you please put them in the fridge for me and under no circumstances throw the food away or feed the dogs, okay," she then nodded.

"Also where is Ayaan, ma, dadi, and papa?" I asked her as no one seemed to be home.

"Ayaan sir has gone for a sleepover, Sir had an urgent meeting which he had to attend and both ma'ams have gone to the ashram."

So I was home alone? But what she said next made me want to kill myself.

"But Armaan sir is in his room," she smiled and then left.

So I wasn't home alone, I was home with a devil who might slaughter me into pieces and feed me to the dogs. Just thinking about it sent shivers down my body.

Ughhh! I needed to freshen up on top of that. I was hungry. Fuck!

Should I go to his room or should I just hide for the rest of my life so I don't have to see his face?

I desperately wanted to choose the second option but I knew I had to face him one day or another. I mean I can't just keep running away from him. I shall just avoid him. I gathered up all my courage and went into the room.

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