Chapter 14: Let's catch up

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POV: Kiara 

"No Ayaan! We are not going inside this mall," I begged.

"Come on bhabhi!" he also begged.

"Ayaan, do you know how expensive and overpriced this mall is? They're just scamming at this point."

"Bhabhi, it's because it's designer!"

"Okay and? I swear we can find cheaper stores that sell way better clothing than these clothes."

After debating for half an hour I finally gave in but only because Ayaan said we were going to just look and not buy anything. Unfortunately, I don't know how but I fell into his tricks.


"Bhabhi, look at this dress it looks so good," Ayaan was running his hands over the dress.

It did look good but I looked at the price $3,000 USD! For a flippin dress? I could find the same exactly looking dress in cheaper stores. It's not that I can't buy it, it's just that it's not worth it plus I don't want Ayaan to buy this expensive dress.

"Yeah it looks good but who's that special girl?" I teased. Who knows he might actually have a special girl in his life.

"Actually yes," he responded.

Holy shit! Does Ayaan have a special someone in his life? Aghh this is so exciting.

"Ayaan really? OMG, can I meet her?" I asked in excitement.

"Sure, come with me."

Now I was super lost and confused. He looked at my hand and asked "May I hold your hand bhabhi?" OMG isn't he a gentleman, so unlike his elder brother? I nodded yes and he gently grabbed my hand and led me towards the mirror.

"Here she is bhabhi!" you've got to be joking. My smile curled up my lip and my eyes were about to tear up. Why is he so kind? Unable to control myself I hugged him really tight. Why was I so lucky to have a brother-in-law like him?

"Okay now let's buy this dress," he continued.

"Ayaan, you are crazy! I am not buying this dress, it's crazy expensive," I argued but he didn't budge after 10 minutes of arguing I finally gave in.

"Fine but only one!" I commanded.

"Okay bhabhi," he said with a smirk but I knew this wasn't going to be my last.

"Okay now let's go to the regular mall where things are less expensive."

He rolled his eyes.

POV: Armaan

It was now 4 pm, and I was exhausted. The wedding tiredness had not left me yet. I thought of going home but then realised that Kiara would be there and right now I didn't want to see her. My blood starts boiling when I see her and I just know that I won't be able to control my anger. As I was thinking that someone barged into my room,

"Hi baby, missed me?" Shit that voice. I looked up to see my best friend, Kartik. Kartik was more than a best friend to me, he was more of a brother. He was always with me, in bad and good times, he was like a shadow, but there was one thing about him... he loved flirting as a joke to annoy me.

"Can't you knock?" I said while glaring at him.

"Knocking is for strangers not for your loved ones, especially me darling," he winked.

"What do you want Kartik?"

"I want you baby," he said in a seductive voice.

"I can't cheat you know and neither can you cheat on Shanaya," might as well go along, he wasn't going to stop.

"Omg, I am so sorry I couldn't attend your wedding it's just that I couldn't bear to see my love marrying someone else or should I say my Soutan," Manz winked again.

"Kartik you're unbelievable!"

"I know," and he smirked.

"Okay but out of all seriousness, I want to meet Bhabhi, I heard that she's the definition of beauty!"

"You want to see her for her beauty?" I don't know why but that kinda bothered me.

"How could you say that? I'm only yours! I would never!" he teased again somehow giving me some type of relief.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Bhai, what brings you here, you disappeared without even informing me," Exaggerating 'BHAI'.

"What can I say? My dad hates me, he sent me to India to finish some work off," he was being dramatic now. "Anyways, do you want to go out for coffee and catch up?" he asked.

I needed a break and what's better than this so I agreed.


"Hi sir what would you like?" the waiter asked.

"Umm, I'll have black coffee, make sure it's bitter though," I commanded.

"And I'll have tea and a caramel slice please," Kartik gave his order and the waiter left.

"Black coffee? Really? And bitter?"

"What's the problem with black coffee?" I snapped and he rolled his eyes. Our order was received faster than we had thought and as soon as my coffee arrived Kartik took a sip of it and spat it out right on my face.

"WTF! What is this? It's so bitter! Are you a human or an alien?"

I just looked at him with no expression and he looked back realising what he had done to my face. He quickly got a tissue and started rubbing my face, "I am so sorry jaan," he said in a sweet voice like he was my wife but I didn't say anything, I mean there was no point, he was Kartik! If I started pouring all my anger out on him he might kiss me to shut me up, and for goddess sake, I did not want that, I was straiter than a ruler.

And then I started sipping on my coffee, then we started catching up. I told him about the deal and Naina's betrayal. He didn't show any type of sympathy because he knew that I hated when someone showed sympathy towards me but what came out of his mouth next shocked me. 

"So out of all of this, what was Kiara's fault?" Is he my best friend or hers? 

"What do you mean? She manipulated my dad and entered the house for money obviously, why else would she want to marry me? Because of this, I lost my Naina! I will never forget her Kartik!" Now my anger was pouring out of me like a waterfall. 

"Did you ask her if that's the reason?" 

"Wow like she's gonna tell the truth!" What was Kartik on about, can't he see?

"I mean you should ask her, there might be a reason to thi-" I cut him off. 

"Stop!" and he instantly shut up. 

"Okay, I am so sorry Kartik, I'm just... I'm just a mess right now and-" I began.

"No, it's fine jaan, I get it. Let's go back, I'm sure there's a solution to this." 

I nodded. We got up and were heading for the car when I spotted a familiar face. I squinted my eyes to see further when I saw her.



Sorry, another short chapter but I hope yall are enjoying this book. If it's getting too boring please let me know so I can try and make it better, and I would still appreciate votes, Thank you Lovelies! ❤️

Have a great day! 😊❤️

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