Chapter 35 ~ Truth Unfold ~

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As Dhara stood at the threshold, ready to close the door behind her, Samar gently took hold of her hand. In a calm and collected manner, he spoke, " Before you jump to conclusions, I need you to hear my side, if you trust me. " His gaze softened as he addressed her wounded eyes.

Slowly lifting her eyelids, her deeply kohled orbs met his pleading eyes. Samar desperately wanted her to understand, to listen before passing judgment. Her grip on the door latch loosened, and she dropped her hand, turning her back to him as tears flowed more forcefully.

Without wasting any time, Samar entered the room and closed the door. Outside, Reva watched the emotional scene with teary eyes. She turned away, disappearing through the corridor.

The pain of unrequited love weighed heavily on her. Despite her efforts to capture even a fragment of his attention, she couldn't comprehend why he remained indifferent.

Witnessing Samar enveloping Dhara in a secure embrace made it clear—there was no room for her in his heart. She accepted the harsh truth and silently retreated, realizing that Dhara would always be the one occupying his heart.

Silence hung in the air as she chose to step back, realizing the futility of her endeavors. No words were spoken, for there was no use in prolonging the inevitable.

Samar gazed at Dhara with sorrowful eyes as she sobbed, her back turned to him.

In the midst of this heart-wrenching moment, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as his attention shifted to where she directed her tearful gaze. Shock flashed across his widened eyes when he realized the reason for her increased distress.

In a swift motion, Samar hurried towards her and embraced her from behind, holding her tightly in his arms.

Feeling his arms around her, Dhara's tears flowed even more freely. Samar pressed a gentle kiss to her shoulder before softly speaking, " Sometimes, things aren't as they appear at first glance. What we see with open eyes isn't always the truth. Just because something seems a certain way doesn't mean it's always that way. "

Confessing his understanding, Samar's gaze fell upon the girl's discarded clothes on the floor, realizing the source of Dhara's anguish. Despite the revelation, he held her close, offering comfort in his embrace as she continued to weep.

Gently, Samar turned Dhara to face him, but she continued to sob uncontrollably, avoiding eye contact with him. Whispering softly, he said, " Dhara. " while holding her right hand and wiping away her tears with his thumb.

Unable to bear the emotional strain any longer, she jerked his hand away and rushed towards the window, where her tears flowed even more freely.

Samar stood there, feeling helpless and conflicted. A multitude of thoughts raced through his mind, and his heart ached seeing her suffer because of him.

Despite the internal turmoil and the desire to confess everything, witnessing her broken state drained his courage.

Slowly, he approached her, standing beside her as he observed her tearful countenance. With pained eyes, he watched her cry.

" Dhara, the more you cry, the more you hurt yourself. Just give me a chance to explain. I want to tell you everything, but I don't want to see you in pain because of me. " He pleaded, looking into her eyes.

Hearing his words, she gradually turned her face towards him. Her eyes reflected hurt and confusion, as if her tender heart sought answers and yearned to unravel the truth.

" Before you share anything, Hukum, please be mindful that your confession doesn't wound me so deeply that I lose trust in everyone and cease to believe in love ever again. " She revealed, her voice cracking with agony.

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