Chapter 33 ~ Navigating the Maze of Love ~

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" What is Love? " Dhara's soul whispered.

Dhara's eyes remained fixed on her soul, her heart pounding loudly while she struggled to control her breath.

Her soul was patiently waiting for her honest answer, because she was hoping that at least this time, might be Dhara would give the right answer.  

But Dhara's answer surprised her and she froze in her place.  

" I...I don't know. " Dhara genuinely replied to her soul.

Her soul looked at her helplessly, gazing upon her innocent face, realizing the depth of Dhara's limited understanding of love.

"If you don't know the meaning of true love, how can you say that you love him? Without understanding what love is, how can you be ready to sacrifice and ruin your life for someone who doesn't even let you express your genuine feelings for him?" Her soul asked in disbelief.

Dhara's voice trembled as she confessed, "Ever since love has been an attempt to understand this word, and the first person I used this, love, word for was Hukum. I have always tried to understand love from his perspective. I may not know the meaning of love properly, but love is this beautiful feeling. For the first time, I have felt it only for Hukum. I have never felt such a feeling for anyone else. Whenever I see him, just being around him makes me feel safe, even without his embrace. For me, this is love. What love are you talking about?" Dhara asked her soul in a voice-breaking tone.

Gently, her soul responded :

Dhara, I am just trying to say that you are in the initial stage of learning what love is. You may not have all the answers about love, and that's perfectly alright. Love is not a fixed destination but a dynamic exploration.

It's about the moments of connection, the profound feelings of belonging and safety, the inexplicable bond that ties two souls together.

First, try to understand what love actually is and what it expects from you. Don't jump to any conclusions without comprehending the person or the relationship's nuances or rush to stick the label of love on your emotions without understanding. You're only at the start of your journey, with much to learn.

Take time to understand him, give time to your relationship, and then reach a conclusion. Without understanding that person, don't let yourself be swept away by the flood of your emotions.

And though you may feel uncertain at times, remember that love is also about growth and learning.

It's about discovering more about yourself and the ones you care for, about navigating through challenges together, and about evolving into stronger, more compassionate beings.

So, embrace the uncertainty, cherish the moments, and continue to explore the depths of your emotions. Love is a journey of growth, learning, and connection.

And remember, the beauty of love lies not only in knowing its definition but in living it with an open heart.

Hukum may have done so much for you and shown you kindness like no other. But you are just a fifteen-year-old school-going girl.

You're still in the process of learning and understand things, not to jumping into emotions and rush into decisions  without comprehension that could ruin your life and can lead to irreversible damage.
Please try to understand it. I am not your enemy but your own soul, guiding you in the right direction.

You have a long life ahead to live, learn, and face the highs and lows. In that journey, you will meet many people, some staying for a lifetime, and some leaving without a word.

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