Chapter 28 ~ Intricate Connections ~

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Enraged, Samar abruptly exited the room, seeking solace in the open air to clear his mind from the intense and the recent heated encounter inside the room that had just left him with an overwhelming need to purge those emotions from his system.

Outside, raindrops danced to their own rhythm, providing a backdrop to Samar's internal struggle with conflicting emotions.

The hazy memories of the steamy interaction in the dimly lit room replayed vividly in his mind.

As he stood there, battling his inner turmoil, the echoes of Dhara's moans—expressing a mix of pain and pleasure—resounded in his ears. Each of his actions had elicited responses from her, responses that mirrored his desires, yet without a clear understanding of the profound impact on her.

He stood defiantly on the intricately crafted wooden balcony, his grip on the railing so tight that it seemed as though he might shatter it with the force of his anger.

"Once again, she left you high and dry." A mocking voice cut through the tension, pulling his gaze towards the source of the source of the cutting words.

Reva nonchalantly stood by his side, leisurely puffing on her cigarette. He couldn't pinpoint when she had arrived, but her presence was now an unwelcome addition to his already tumultuous state of mind.

Despite her standing there, he chose to dismiss her existence, fully aware that she had likely come with her usual dose of nonsensical banter.

His frustration had reached its peak, and Reva's proximity only served to grate on his nerves. The desire to retreat into the sanctuary of his room tugged at him, but the memory of his recent encounter with Dhara lingered in his mind.

The intensity of their moments together played like a loop, and in the midst of the conflicting turmoil, he decided against facing her again.   

The image of Dhara's dark, captivating kohl orbs flashed in his thoughts, a reminder of how he often found himself surrendering to her. For now, he resisted the temptation to retreat inside the room, not yet ready to face the intense gaze that was forcing him to bow.

In an attempt to regain composure, he fumbled through his pant pockets, searching for something to distract his mind. However, his focus abruptly shifted as he noticed Reva extending a lit cigarette toward him, poised in front of his lips.

His brows knitted together in irritation, eyes rolling in disbelief as he dismissed her gesture without a word. Reva, undeterred, continued to hold the cigarette between her fingers.

"Don't be so stubborn. This time, more than anyone else,  it can calm you down." She remarked, the cigarette dangling from her fingers.

Samar chose to ignore her, finding solace in the silence. Yet, he had no escape from the onslaught of her words.

" You had a chance to calm yourself, but you refused. Someone is dying to give you what you desire, but You - " She said with another puff of the cigarette.

Samar's grip on the wooden railing tightened with each nonsensical utterance. His jaw clenched, face taut, he struggled to contain the brewing storm within him, resisting the urge to unleash his pent-up frustration on Reva.

Ignoring her, he resumed his search in his pant pockets.

" Your stubborn attitude won't let you accept help, but you need it. " Reva insisted, offering him a small cigarette packet.

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