Chapter 24 ~Beacons ( Edited ) ~

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"Why doesn't he hug me?"

The question reverberated within Dhara's mind, a persistent murmur that refused to fade away. The beat of her heart echoed in her ears, a rhythmic reminder of his closeness. Yet, his actions remained a mystery, a puzzle she was determined to unravel. She knew that the answer might be buried deep within him, concealed behind the guarded walls of his heart.

In her quest for understanding, Dhara shifted her focus to the present, seeking refuge from the whirlwind of her thoughts. She closed her eyes, embracing the sensation of his presence that enveloped her. Like a soft embrace, his aura wrapped around her, providing a sense of security. In that fleeting moment, she found solace in his warmth, letting it soothe the turmoil within her.

For what felt like an eternity, they remained frozen in that posture-she, arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace, and he, standing there with an inscrutable expression.

" D-Dhara. " His voice quivered, a fragile whisper that hung in the air as Samar gently extricated himself from her hold.

Her head stayed bowed, tears coursing down her cheeks, her sobs an unending torrent. He tenderly brushed his lips against her wet skin, tasting the brine of her tears that flowed even more freely beneath the touch of his affection.

Taking her hand in his, he guided her towards the edge of the bed, his movements graceful and deliberate. Then, with a fluid motion, he knelt before her, a picture of poise and sincerity. Her own fingers twined together, a mirror of the turmoil within her heart.

" Dhara, Do you trust me ? " His voice carried a blend of vulnerability and resolve as he clasped her hand, his gaze locked onto hers with a spark of hope.

She lowered her head, a silent affirmation to his unspoken plea.

" Then why do you believe that I've wronged you so much? " Samar's voice retained its patience and gentleness, a stark contrast to the turmoil churning within him. He carefully chose his tone, ensuring it wouldn't deepen her wounds.

She lifted her tear-filled eyes to meet his gaze after a momentary pause. Her dark eyes locked onto his equally somber ones, and within the depths of those shades of black, an unspoken ocean of emotions swirled, each narrating its unique story.

"B-Because you're taking me away from R-Rajgardh. And I don't want to leave." Dhara's response was sincere, interwoven with vulnerability. She shared her feelings, well aware of the potential consequences of her words. The norms of society and the constraints of royal family dynamics frowned upon a relationship between a king and a servant.

"Exactly. It's not me you're hesitant to leave, but Rajgardh itself. You need to understand and accept that." Samar murmured, his gaze steady and unwavering. His words left her both puzzled and contemplative, igniting a spark of curiosity within her.

"W-What?" she uttered, her tone a blend of curiosity and tension.

"Listen," He began gently, his voice carrying a soothing cadence.

"you've spent your entire life within the embrace of Rajgardh. From the moment you were born, you've been sheltered by its walls. Fifteen years have woven the fabric of your existence within these confines. This palace is your sole reference point for a home, for belonging. Despite the hardships you've endured at the hands of your uncles and aunts, you've formed an attachment to this palace. Somehow, amidst everything, you've found solace here - it's become your refuge, your haven." As he spoke, his thumb swept over her cheeks, wiping away the remnants of tears. His hands enveloped hers in a comforting hold, conveying his empathy and understanding.

"B-ut Huk-" She began, her voice cracking with a sob, but he gently shook his head, indicating for her to let him finish before she spoke.

" Furthermore." He continued, his grip on her hands providing comfort, "You're in a difficult position. This palace is responsible for your basic needs-food, shelter, and even financial support. Rajgardh has become the path you've taken, or perhaps the path that was chosen for you. The world outside these walls is foreign to you, and you've never ventured beyond them to see what lies beyond. It's as if you've ended up in Rajgardh out of necessity, rather than by desires." His eyes locked onto hers, his belief in her unspoken feelings evident.

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