Chapter 31 ~ Virginity - "A Precious Gift" ~

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🦚🎁Happy Makar Sakranti🎁🦚

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Samar sucked in his breath between his lips, caught off guard by the unexpected word from her. It felt as if someone had violently pulled the ground from beneath him.

For a moment, shock left him completely blank, unsure of how to respond. However, he vehemently disliked that word coming from her.

" Hu- " But Samar's roared forced her to shut her lips.

" NO! "

He roared at her with fiery intensity.

Dhara flinched in fear, witnessing his sudden anger after the intense confession.

" No, you can't say that. If that word ever comes from your lips, I'll silence your tongue without a second thought, I'll slish your toungue and I won't regret it. " Samar threatened angrily, gripping her shoulders tightly.

She trembled in fear, her heartbeat accelerating with anxiety.

His harsh, breaths hovered over her already frightened face, sending a shiver down her spine.

Upon hearing his roar and witnessing the rage in his bloodshot eyes, she quickly believed he was capable of following through on his threats.

Summoning courage, again she asked, "But Hukum, is 'concubine' a bad word, right?" Her tone was fearful but hopeful.

This word had been relentlessly hammered into her head by Abhinav and Netra since the first day she entered Samar's room. She didn't know why she uttered it today, but it had clearly angered him.

"I told you not to utter that word. You won't be able to bear the consequences, and I promise." He gritted his teeth in anger, jaw clenched as he threatened her again.

"In the last few months, this same word, 'concubine'—" She dared to utter, knowing her fate was at risk.

Hearing the word again, he dug his nails deeper into her supple skin. Still, she spoke, "And 'virgin' from Abhinav Sahbji and Netra Di. They always said I am your concubine, but I didn't even know what it meant."

His blood boiled at the revelation. Right then, he wanted to dig Abhinav and Netra's graves on the spot.

Sucking in a breath, she continued, " Whenever I came out of your chamber in the morning and entered the tunnel to go back home, Netra Di always checked me thoroughly and asked I am still a virgin. Abhinav Sahib would enter your room quickly after I left and check your bed. Confused by their actions, I asked why they checked me before and after leaving your room and questioned me if I was still a virgin. "

" And what did you answer to them? " He locked eyes with her, his anger escalating.

" Hukum, what could I have said when I didn't even know the meaning of 'concubine' and 'virgin'? " She innocently stated.

Every cell inside Samar burned upon hearing her words, pushing him to unleash his fury.

His grip tightened on her shoulders, unaware of the silent struggles Dhara bore behind his back, without uttering a word to him.

" A few times, I tried asking Netra Di the meaning of 'concubine' and 'virgin,' but instead of explaining, she angry with me and shouted that I was lying. I felt sad, but when I asked my friends, they either laughed or simply ignored me. " She confessed innocently in a disappointment.

Samar's nostrils flared in rage, his grip loosened from her shoulders, and he held her face in his hands with an overwhelming mix of passion and intensity. "You are the most beautiful girl in the universe, understand?" He emphasized.

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