Chapter 7 ~ "Are You 'MAD' Dhara? " ~

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At Morning

Six o'clock in the morning, Dhara's eyes opened with the chirpy sound of birds. But looking at the large Royal Antique clock on the wall, she realized that she is not actually in her quarters but in the chamber of Maharana Samar Pratap Singh at Rajgardh. She slept on her stomach as usual, her gaze goes to the sleeping Samar beside her, who was sleeping peacefully on the stomach without any trouble.

As soon as she sees him, whatever happens between them last night, it comes in front of her eyes. And there was a slight smile come on her face. It was the first time in so many years that she woke up this morning with a smile, otherwise she would open her eyes every day in groaning in pain. She was just looking at his sleeping face, he was always angry and under discipline, but today she again saw a different form of him.

Dhara POV:-

Thank You Hukum, for saving me, you gave me this life, now I have no right over this life, because now it is yours, only yours. I am very lucky that I am serving myself to you. I don't know, why do you touch an ugly minor servant like me? But I feel so blessed when you touched me last night. I did not find anywhere uncomfortable and awkward. Because for the first time someone has seen me inside that wounds. You did not see those wounds of mine yesterday, but saw Dhara inside that wound, saw her pain. Understood her pain. You have kissed those wounds and my untold pain. It really means a lot to me. Thank You, Thank you so much.

Dhara was lovingly looking at him with a brightened smile on her pink rosy lips.

You have touched not only my body, but also my soul, my pain, you have done what no one has done for me till date. When you kissed me for the first time, I felt very bad, I was angry with you, that, why did you do this to me. But yesterday when you touched, I did not feel bad and neither did I feel angry at you, but I felt very good when you touched me. It felt as if someone had touched me for the first time, as if I had been wandering in search of the same healing touch for so many years, and that discovery was finally completed today.

Because till date everyone had seen only those wounds, but you saw Dhara inside those wounds, neither ran away from me, nor did you get angry with me. You only took ointment on it, tried to ease my pain, everyone sees my outer beauty, but everyone hates me if someone accidentally saw these wounds. But you are the first and may be the last, not mad at me, but at those who have done so to me. Thank You.

She confessed and a lone tear rolled down.

Unknowingly she moved little closed to him, his hot breath was fanning on her face. She was shivering due to their closeness.

Hukum, everyone says that I am very beautiful, but I have never felt it nor have I ever paid attention to it. But for the first time I feel that I am truly beautiful, so that you blessed me with your holy touch. You have touched me in such a place, maybe no one has reached it and that is my soul, now no one else can touch me, only you have this right. I only want to be beautiful for you. Because you made me feel that I am beautiful not from outside but from inside. Thank You.

She poured her all feelings in front of him.

She moves her face a little closer to him, Samar's deep breaths were feeling on her face. Unknowingly her hands were brushing his hairs gently, she was looking at his lips, a chilled shiver ran inside her every cells.

Her lips was desperate to chew it. Dhara was about to sealed their gap but her gaze falls on the small photo frame, which was placed on his side table. It was a picture of his family. In a fast pace she made a distance from him and a bitter tear flowed from her eyes.

" Are you mad Dhara ? " Dhara was shocked on her stupidity.

She was feeling guilty and cursing herself.

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