enemies to lovers (part 2)

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Warning⚠️ talk of abuse, brief mention of self harm.

Leah's POV

In a panic, I called Beth Mead in the hope she'd come and help me. I could hardly breathe, my eyes stinging from the tears and my heart pounding out my chest at the thought of how horrible I'd been to Y/N.

Beth: You okay?
Leah: I can't breathe.
Beth: Oh babe, I'm on my way.

A few seconds later, Beth barged into my room without knocking, finding me lying in bed having a panic attack.

"What happened?" Beth asked.

"I fucked up." I replied.

I explained the situation to Beth, who was angry at me for saying what I said to Y/N. Beth was aware of the love hate relationship I had with her, so she knew that this could well have tipped us both over the edge.

"Can you go and find her? I'm really worried about her." I asked Beth.

"Of course. But as long as you promise me that you will ignore any stereotypes and start being nice to her. She's lovely, just give her a chance." Beth replied, standing up from the bed and heading towards the door.

"I know I know, I'm a dick for what I've done to her. Maybe she was affected by everything I've said rather than mad." I sighed, feeling myself getting upset again at the impact I had caused.

"She hid it very well, but I think she just wants to fit in, to be your friend." Beth said.

"She won't want that after this though. I've blown my chance." I replied, regretting my final sentence instantly.

"Chance? What do you mean?" Beth asked, realising what I had said. "Do you like her?"

"Beth I'm not in the mood to answer that now, I'm worried sick about her so please just go and make sure she's okay for me." I cut her off, stopping the conversation from continuing, and with that, Beth stood up and went downstairs to find Y/N.


I ran downstairs and out the door as quickly as I could as the panic rushed through me. I sprinted over to the football pitches on the hill, so I could lie down and stare at the sunset. I wasn't shocked by what Leah had said, after all I knew she hated me. But the moment she said it, it took me back to when I was young, where that little girl knew the whole world hated her, so everything that was said to her was taken so seriously in her mind. All I could think about was my biological parents screaming at me, hitting me and calling me names, reminding me every day that I was an accident. I could feel the slaps on my body as I lay down. I did everything to distract myself, but the feeling of being hurt until I blacked out returned, sending me into a flashback.


"Stop it! I'm sorry I won't do it again!" I sobbed, as my mum continued to smack me, leaving bright red marks all over my face and stomach.

"You disgusting, annoying creature!" Mum shouted. "You bloody well won't do it again because next time I will do worse!"

I screamed and cried until I blacked out, waking up a few moments later on the floor, my arms tied to a chair. I sobbed and sobbed, I had no idea how to get myself out of it. I was so done and just wanted to disappear.

"God, please let me die." I begged. "I don't deserve to be here."

For a moment I felt sad, knowing that no eight year old should have to deal with this, but then I snapped out of it, reminding myself of how much of a failure I was, ruining everyone's lives every day. I found a piece of glass next to me, which had come from a mirror my mum had smashed out of anger. I wriggled my body over to it, tugging at my arms to try and break free. Eventually I managed to pull the glass closer to me, grabbing it in my mouth and stretching to reach the rope attaching me to the chair, finally cutting me free. I took a look at the piece of glass in my hand, then over at my wrist which was bright red from being tied up. I slashed a cut in my wrist, hoping it would finally put me out of my misery, but after blacking out again, I woke up, back into reality."

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