Convincing Alexis

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Alexis and Jojo

It was a shock to see Jacob and the boys at the park with Lucca, but she should've expected it. He asked if he could take him back to the mansion for a while and that he had the milk she provided for Clemmy to feed him. She agreed as long as he was returned to her by 6pm.
Keeping her arms wrapped around her made her feel a little safe. It stopped her from reaching out and touching him. Tomorrow, early morning she will fly to Ireland. Luccas passport arrived this morning.

Finishing her second and final lead in the yogathon, she collected her bag to return home. Jojo stopped her.
"Can I talk to you? Please."
"Sure. I'm on my way home."
She was surprised when he asked if they could go to Clemmy's, but she agreed.
Once there he told her that he had something he wanted her to see and that he hadn't told Jacob about it. He didn't want to get involved but it hurt him seeing two people who loved each other hurt.

"Jojo." She sighed.
"Please take a look, Alexis."
He begged.
"It won't hurt." Clemmy said.
She looked at the envelope he handed her. Inside there were photos of Dusseldorf, all dated the same but the times differed throughout an hour.
"Michael took those." He told her.
Then there were photos of a blonde haired girl and a dark haired girl in a hallway. Looking around suspiciously before scanning a key card on a door and looking around again before going in. Then a picture of them leaving, ten minutes later laughing.
In the corner of these it had cctv floor 4 and the time and date that matched Michael's photos.
Her heart clenched and she took a deep breath.
"What does it prove?" She sighed.
"Listen carefully to the voice message." He urged her, pointing out where the clicks were that showed it was pieced together.
She shook her head.
"Alexis." Clemmy said. "It exonerates him."

She sat there staring at the photos.
"There's one more thing. Please listen."
Taking out his phone he brought up a voicemail. Putting it on speaker he pressed play.
She sat listening to it, tears dripping from her eyes.
'Mr Kapol. This is Mr Muller, manager of the Ruby Luna hotel in Dusseldorf. Just to inform you that I have today spoken to and fired- without references-the waitresses that illegally entered the room of your friends and caused untold damage to your friend's private life. They admitted what they had done without remorse and said that they had done it before to other guests. They managed to get your friend's wife's number by standing behind him when he made a call to her. The police now have them in custody and are looking into their wrong doings. Please pass on my sincere apologies to Mr and Mrs Rott."
Looking up at Jojo her eyes filled with tears.
"Jacob." She cried running from the house heading to the love of her life. She only hoped he would forgive her for not believing him.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now