You'll Do As You Are Told

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Jumping off the bike and thanking the rider, he ran in the house and bounded up the stairs meeting Clemmy at the top.
"Have you rang for an ambulance?" He asked as he heard Alexis scream.
"She won't let me."
"Ring... Now." He walked into the bedroom ready to do battle with her. But once he opened the door and saw her words wouldn't come.
She was writhing in pain, her hair stuck to her face, eyes filled with pain.

"Ambulance is on its way." Clemmy called up.
"Alexis, listen to me." He wiped her face. "You have got to go to the hospital. You should've gone yesterday."
"I. Don't. Want. To. Go." She spat out as she gripped the sheets and screamed.
"I don't care what you want. I want you somewhere where they can make sure all is good and can act if it's not." He shouted at her.
She cried out, the bedroom door opened and the paramedics came in.

"We need to check her over. How often are the contractions?" One asked as the other took her vitals.
"Every 5 minutes." She panted.
"Have your waters broken?"
She shook her head.
"Blood pressure is high. She's 6 centimetres. We need to get her to the hospital."
"Jacob."She cried to him.
"I'll be there. I'll be with you." He held her hand as they put her in a chair and carried her to the ambulance.
Kissing her fingers as she breathed in the entonox he watched her face, wishing he could take the pain away.


She had been in pain most of the night but thought that it was just the soreness from the fall.
The look on Jacobs face when he entered the bedroom made her close her eyes and wait for the berating but it never came.
Instead he told her gently that she was to listen to him and that she was going to the hospital.
She told him she wasn't and he put his foot down saying he didn't care what she wanted and that he wanted her somewhere where she was in good hands and where they could act if things went wrong.
He held her hand and kissed her fingers as the ambulance sped to the hospital.

She went straight into delivery. Her contractions are just 3 minutes apart and her cervix is now 8 cm.
Jacob is now in a gown and sitting as close to her as he could get.
"I'm here, Schmetterling. I'm not leaving."

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang