Jojo Found You

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Jacobs pov

The boys rallied around him when they heard what had happened.

Jacob visited the coffee shop daily to check on its progress.

They all turned up at her dad's house and helped out with the painting. It was here one day that he came across a box with photos written on it. He was looking through them when Clemmy arrived.

"You found Anastasia's photo box." She smiled. "Klaus would look through these all the time. That's Lexis mom." She pointed to a tall lady with wild hair. "And her dad."

He remembered them from Frankfurt.

"That is her mom's mom and dad so her grandparents."

She handed him a picture of a couple outside a cottage.

"They live in Ireland don't they?"

He asked, looking at the photo.

"I believe so. Although her grandpappy has passed on."

"Could she have gone there?" He bit his lip. "She said in her letter she was going somewhere she wouldn't be found."

"Maybe. She didn't tell me where she was going." Clemmy sighed. "I don't know where you find out where they live over there."

He looked at the back of the photo. Very faintly he could read

Mr and Mrs Colin Fitzpatrick 1964 County Clare.

'I wonder if they still live there.' He thought to himself.

Calling Jojo over he asked if he could look into it for him. He nodded and left.

He found Jojo out when they returned to the mansion.

"Her grandma is still there. Mary Fitzpatrick, widow of Colin Fitzpatrick." He held out a paper with the address on.

"I owe you." Jacob grinned Grabbing his phone.

"Just go to her. You both need each other."

It was three days later he landed in county Clare and headed to the address Jojo gave him. Knocking on the door he waited. A mountain of a guy came from round the side of the house and said something in a dialect he couldn't understand.

" Erm hi. I'm looking for Mrs Fitzpatrick." He said to the guy.

Another one equally as big joined him. They spoke between themselves.

"What do you want with our grandma?" The second one said.

"Well actually I was hoping she could point me in the direction of Alexis Mayer."

The two guys growled.

Then a woman's voice came from behind them.

"There's a fella here asking about Alexis." one told her.

A grey haired woman pushed her way between them.

"And you are?" She stood with her arms across her chest.

"I'm her boyfriend, Jacob."

Her eyes widened and she said,

"Is that so? Then you better come with me. Declan, Con go find your cousin and tell her I want to see her. And just that mind. Anything else and I'll skin yers alive."

"Yes grandma." They huffed and walked away.

Sitting at her kitchen table he felt nervous as the woman put a bottle of water in front of him.

"Now, Jacob is it?"

He nodded.

"What are your intentions with my only granddaughter?"


Alexis pov

Heading towards her grandma's house Alexis wondered what she wanted to see her for. Looking up she could see her at the kitchen window washing up something at the sink. She waved and wandered inside.

"Hi Grandma, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes pumpkin, take a seat. I think it's time we talked."

She sat down and looked at her Grandma.

"Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Yes it is. I'm just wondering about this boyfriend you haven't really talked about him."

She took a deep sigh. She had been waiting for her grandma to mention Jacob.

"What do you want to know about him?" She asked.

"Well describe him to me, or have you got a photograph? That would be nice."

Picking up her phone she scrolled through to find a photo of Jacob.

"Oh very nice" her grandma smiled, "and do you love him?"

"Yes I do love him."

"And does he love you?"

"Yes he does."

"How long have you known him?"

"I've known him since school. I can't really say how old I was, but mainly from when I was 14 or 15, and then there was a school reunion. We both turned up and we had both changed so much. He looked after me at school, he sorted my bullies out for me and got into trouble."

"Is this why you love him or..."

"No.. no. I love him because he's just amazing, he's loving and caring and he's part of me, you understand what I mean."

Grandma reached across and held her hand.

"Where do you see this heading, you and Jacob?"

" I'm not sure at the moment." She could feel her eyes smiling. "We're both just really finding our feet in our careers. Jacob's away a lot, a hell of a lot, weeks at a time. Then I'm stuck in the coffee shop, and then having to travel backwards and forwards between Germany and Switzerland. But when we both find what we want I'm hoping to... well I'd like it to be... I'd like it to be how you and grandpappy were."

She patted her hands.

"I've something for you. I put it in the larder. Hope you like it."

Kissing her grandma she opened the larder door. Jacob sat there on his suitcase. His eyes filled with tears when he saw her.

"Hallo Schmetterling." He touched her face. She cried and buried her face into his chest. Gently he held her."Hey. Don't cry. What did that b*****d do to you?" He whispered into her hair.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you I was home. I should've told you..."

"Shh, we will talk later." He brushed her lips with his.

"You two go to your cottage Alexis and let Jacob clean up before dinner." Her grandma called.

"But grandma!!" She heard Con exclaim.

"And you two stay away, you hear me." She said hitting her grandsons over the heads with a tea towel.

Taking his hand she led him away from her grandma's to a small cottage. Once inside and the door was shut they fell into each other's arms. When their lips met it was like the firework display on new years eve.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now