Flashback 3

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4yrs later end of college

Alexis pov

Well that was a waste of 4yrs.

No she shouldn't say that. They were good years, she's now a qualified fitness and yoga instructor. Unfortunately they were marred by her mom's illness that took her life just a few months ago.

In these 4 years she had transformed herself. She began training and shed her weight. She was no model but had all the right curves in all the right places.

With the help of her friend who took beauty, she had gotten rid of her frizzy nest of hair and now wore it smooth and slick. It hung beautifully down to her waist, and framed her face perfectly. Her glasses too she no longer wore. Her blue/violet eyes shone as the light caught them.

And guess what? Her dentist was right, her teeth were perfect. Her acne too had disappeared.

Working in the local coffee house to help with her tuition fees, had its good and bad blessings. Good because she is now a fully qualified barista, bad because too many guys hit on her.

"You need to tell your fan club to not to all come in at once." Her colleagues moaned one afternoon as the shop filled right out the door.

"It's not me, it's the coffee." She laughed.

Her boss was happy though. His profits were soaring.

One quiet afternoon, two guys came in and ordered caramel lattes.

"Can you put a pattern on it?" One asked with a smile.

"Anything in particular?" She smiled back.

"Surprise me."

Handing over the two cups both guys looked at her.

"You're not just a pretty face. My name is Tim. That's Luis." He held his hand out.

"Lexi." She gave them the shortened version of her name as she shook it.

They looked down at her name and heart over the I in their cups as she walked out the back with the dirty crockery to be loaded in the dishwasher. While doing this she didn't see them doing rock, paper, scissors.

As she grabbed her coat at the end of her shift, she bumped into the two guys outside. They now had two carry trays full of coffees.

"You guys thirsty?" She laughed

"No, we've just got a lot of flat mates. Lexi, I'm just wondering if you'd like to meet up for a drink sometime?" The one called Tim asked.

She smiled and looked down.

"Thanks for the offer but unfortunately I have two other jobs, so not really much time for socialising. See you."

She walked off leaving the two standing there watching her walk away.

The elevator boys

Tim and Luis waited around outside till she left. Tim asked about meeting up for drinks but was shot down.
Walking back to their flatshare they talked about her.
"She's got the most beautiful eyes." Luis pointed out.
"She sure has. I wonder what her other jobs are?"
As they climbed the stairs into their penthouse flat they arrived to cheers.
"About time. Did you make them yourselves?" Bene asked, taking a cup.
"No, we had to find a coffee shop. But oh what a shop we found. The barista is to die for." Luis gushed

"Didn't you get her number?" Jojo asked.
"Tim asked her out for a drink but she said no. She's got 2 other jobs. Her name is Lexi."
A clatter came from behind them and Jacob ran from around the corner sliding along the floor.
"Did you say Alexis? What did she look like?" He panted while rubbing his foot.
They all looked at him.
"Long dark brown hair, and blue eyes with flecks of violet. Her body isn't skinny but wow. And no I said Lexi." Luis glared at him. "What have you done to your foot?"
"I fell over your skateboard. It can't be the girl I knew, she has messy hair." He limped away.

The boys surrounded him.
"Wanna let us in on this, Alexis girl?"
He told them everything.
"Sounds sweet but she could've changed." Julien said.
"I'd love to see her again. Just to say hi." Jacob sighed.
"If she was that barista you'd want to say more than hi." Tim flicked his fingers.
Bene left them to go and wander around. He found himself walking through a small park. There he saw a bunch of women with exercise mats doing yoga.
"I can't get in that position. I'll do myself an injury. Are you trying to injure me Lexi?" One called out, making the others laugh.
He spotted the instructor, her hair pulled in a high pony, her yoga kit moulded to her body. Could this be the barista Tim and Luis were on about?
"Now Mrs Schwartz I don't expect you to. I'm just showing you what you could do in time."
After standing there for another ten minutes until the class finished, Bene closed his open mouth and scurried off to tell the others, hoping his hardon would go before he got back.


Present day

It was a lovely afternoon in the park. The ladies were set up when she got there.
"Sorry I'm a little late. Got caught up shopping." She smiled.
"Did you buy the one we picked for you?" One lady asked.
"I did. Thank you for your help. Now let's get started."
As she set her yoga mat down she felt her skin begin to tingle, and had the feeling someone was watching her. Looking around she couldn't see anyone so shook the feeling off and carried on with the lesson.

At the end she said goodbye and rolled up her mat. That's when she spotted him, hiding behind a tree. A guy from the group of guys today.
Nearing the tree she stopped and said,
"Unless you want reporting for stalking, I suggest you stay away from me and keep your eyes to yourself."
She carried on walking feeling his eyes on her as she did. Taking a quick look back she saw him walking in the opposite direction.


He left the others saying he was going to the supermarket. As he walked he spotted her. The girl Luis earlier introduced as the barista. She was wearing a tight fitting yoga set in black. Her ponytail swished as she walked.
He couldn't get her out of his mind since then. There was something about her, but he didn't know what.
She headed into the park and he followed at a distance watching as she greeted a group of women and set her mat down.

Hiding behind the trunk of a large oak tree, his gaze was intently on her, unware of anything going on around him. Jesus, she had the most fantastic ass. She was bent double head by her ankles, arms wrapped around her legs. What he could do to her in that position.
His body reacted accordingly.
Then they all packed up and he moved quickly so not to be seen. But he wasn't quick enough.
"Unless you want reporting for stalking, I suggest you stay away from me and keep your eyes to yourself." He heard her say.
His heart raced. Why did he want to just go round the tree and kiss her?

As she walked away he watched her ass for a minute then walked away in the opposite direction.
What was it he was doing before he got distracted? He lifted his cap and rubbed his head. Looking around he saw the supermarket and smiled to himself. Oh yeah. Food

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now