Alexis The Dominant

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(⚠️ Sexual content)

Alexis pov

The car was full of sexual tension as they drove home.
Inside Jacob went straight to the bedroom. When she got there he was kneeling naked at the foot of the bed. She smiled.
"Are you already hard? Naughty boy. A small change of plan. Lie face down on the bed." He did as she told him.
Going to the unit that held the toys she took out the small b**t plug. Oiling it well she walked over to him. Placing her hand on his b**t cheek she oiled it and gently pressed her thumb into his puckered hole. He drew a breath as she slowly moved it around before withdrawing it.
"Deep breath." She whispered as she positioned the bulb of the b**t plug against the hole easing it slowly in. He gasped.
"Good boy. Now on your knees."
Slowly he moved. "How does it feel?" She asked as she fastened his wrists to the rings.
"Different. I feel full." He panted.
"That's how I feel when you f**k my ass."

Placing a blindfold on him she placed kisses down his neck and over his shoulder.
"Which did you decide?"
"Riding crop please."
"Good choice. Remember my orders?" He nodded. "Words Jacob."
"Yes I remember."
"Safe words?" She asked
"Green, yellow or red."
She ran the crop over his ass. Seeing his skin goose up she smiled.
Bringing the crop back she landed it on his left b**t cheek.
"One. Thank you." He moaned.
Moving round the bed she landed the second on his right cheek. He counted again. She did this until all six were administered. Each one got a little harder.
Jacob panted out "Six. Thank you."

Taking a balm in her hands she warmed it a little before gently stroking his b**t cheeks.
"Are you OK?"
"Yes. Thank you," Jacob croaked.
She moved round and knelt in front of him. Taking his c**k in her hand she stoked it as she sucked on his n*****s. With her other hand she traced his abs.
"F**k." He murmured as precum glistened on the tip of his now engorged c**k.
She lay down and licked at the bulbous head before taking it between her lips.
Her one hand cupped his b***s as the other gripped the base of his c**k. She felt him shiver as she began to suck.
Leaving his b***s her hand went to the b**t plug moving it as if his ass was being f****d. Her suck hardened.
"F**k... s**t... Fu.. F**k."
His c**k thickened in her mouth and soon her throat felt his warm c*m fill it.
He roared out as he emptied himself in her mouth.
"I'm going to untie you now." She told him. "lie down on your front."
He dropped from emotional exhaustion as the ropes were untied.
"Deep breath." She said as she removed the b**t plug.
After putting the toy to sterilise she placed a kiss on his lips. Covering him she said.
"Leave the blindfold on and sleep. I'll be back in a moment."


Jacobs pov

His c**k had been solid since the texts.
In the bedroom he readied himself for his punishment. When she said there was a change in plan he panicked a little. Lying face down he was shocked when he felt something push into his ass. Then it was gone only to be replaced with something a bit thicker.
Getting onto his knees was uncomfortable but he managed. She told him that's how she felt when he f****d her in the ass.
He was then blindfolded. Her lips trailed down his neck and over his shoulder. When asked he told her he chose the riding crop. She stroked it over his ass before landing a strike on his b**t cheek.

'S**t that was sharp'. "One thank you."
Each one became a little harder and he clenched his cheeks everytime causing the b**t plug to press on his prostate threatening to make him c*m. 'No' he thought to himself. 'She said she would s**k me off.'
Keeping that thought he got through the six.
Her hands massaging his b**t felt heavenly. Then he felt the bed dip in front of him and her fingers around his c**k. Instantly it hardened more especially when she nibbled down on his n*****s. He couldn't stop the shiver that ran over him and the moan that left his lips when her fingers traced his abs. Her hand gently squeezed his b***s as she licked and took his c**k into her mouth. Then the b**t plug was being moved pressing again on his g spot.
He swore and roared out loud when he exploded into her mouth.
Being untied he was too weak to hold himself up and was glad she said to lie down. The removal of the b**t plug made him feel weird.
The coolness of the silk sheet she put over him was welcoming. Then her lips touched his.
"Leave the blindfold on and sleep. I'll be back in a moment."
She whispered. He let out a deep sigh.
Lying there he relived the last hour. God it was such a turn on. His c**k was getting hard again. Who would've thought that the quiet girl from school would turn out like this.
He heard movement near the bed.
He felt the blind fold loosen. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked into her blue eyes. Her hand lifted and softly stroked his face.
"It's time we married. I can't live without you." He told her.
Her eyes smiled at him.
"Is that a yes?"

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now