... In More Ways Than One

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Alexis pov

They all turned to follow Mitch. Angelina held Alexis' arm to steady her.
"Bro what are you doing?" Jojo looked at Jacob.
Jacob knelt on the floor, head bowed and hands resting on his thighs palms up.
"He's submitting." Tim murmured.
"Christian Grey." Angelina mumbled, looking at Alexis. "He will only answer to his dominator." She told the others.
Alexis moved forward.
"Eyes on me Jacob." She said softly but firmly.
His head lifted. Tear filled eyes met hers.
"What are you doing?"
"Begging for your forgiveness."
"Have you done wrong?" She continued feeling everyone's eyes on her.
He nodded.
"Words!! Use your words."
"Yes." He kept his eyes on hers.
"Would you like to come home and talk?"
"Yes... Pl.. Please."
She sighed.
"OK, wait for me."
He dropped his head back down.

Mitch fetched her coat and bag. Everyone stood there watching Jacob.
"Thanks." She said to her barista. "Can you lock up for me?" He nodded and walked away.
She turned to Tim.
"Would you explain?"
Looking at the others who all had their eyes on Jacob.
"Sure. Will you be OK?"
She nodded.
"Jacob, stand up. Did you come in your car?"
"Yes." He said as he stood.
"OK let's go."

He opened the door and let her out. Then he led her to his car and opened the door for her to get in.
He climbed in beside her and started the engine.
"OK, let's go home." She told him.
She was certain she saw his lips turn up a little but he quickly stopped when he saw her watching him.
"Do I need to punish you?"
"If you think it is necessary." He mumbled.
"I'll wait and see." She replied, knowing that him having to wait would make him nervous.
They dropped into a silence for the rest of the drive.


Jacob's pov

He knew that the only way he could get her to get him out of the coffee house and talk to him was to submit to her, because only her voice and her orders he would follow. He also knew that this would have to be explained to the rest of his friends, but it was about time they knew.
He held her eyes with his while she spoke and then he replied. When she told him to wait for her he lowered his head until she spoke again.

After she asked him in the car if he needed to be punished, his c**k was twitching. It needed her as much as he did. The silence was deadly, he couldn't wait to pull up outside the house.
Standing quietly he waited for her to open the door and invite him in.
"Sit." She he told him and went to walk away.
"Where are you going?" he asked.
"Bathroom. Now sit." She demanded.
He sat on the edge of the sofa but stood as soon as she walked back in.
She sat and he waited for her to motion that he could sit too.
"Well." She looked at him.
"I'm an idiot. I had no right to accuse you. I know you would never let anyone else touch you."
"So why did you lose it?"
"I was jealous. A lame excuse I know but it's the truth."
"Jacob, if I lost it every time a picture came out of you with a girl touching you, or you holding her I'd be insane by now. I trust you and I hope that trust has not been in vain. Do you not trust me?" She looked at him.
"They were only ever touched or allowed to touch for photos. I have never cheated on you. I do trust you. I just don't trust them."
He told her.

"Promise me you will never do this again. If you can't then we cannot be together."
He sat looking at her.
"I promise."
She stood and he did too.
"Can I come home?" He asked nervously. "I miss you."
"I've missed you too. Yes you can come home."
He wanted to hold her. Moving slowly his hand reached forward to touch her. His eyes never leave hers. Not sure whether she would want him close, he took a deep breath. Then she moved towards him.
"Let's go to bed." She whispered moving past him.
His c**k jumped to attention even though he told it to not expect to get used, it was dancing in his pants.

(Meanwhile at the mansion)

"Can someone explain to me what we just witnessed?" Bene asked dropping on the sofa.
"Sit down and I'll explain." Tim said.
"Hold on, you knew and said nothing?" Luis fumed, walking in front of Tim.
"It's not my place to say. Alexis has asked me to explain so I will." Tim said calmly.
Everyone sat.
"OK. Jacob and Alexis have a Dom/submissive relationship. They do not use it every day but they do use it. It works for them so who are we to condone it?"
Bene looked puzzled.
"So who is what?"
"Neither is the specific one. They take it in turns. Tonight Jacob submitted to Alexis as his dominator. He's been asking her for weeks to speak to him. He took a chance tonight. Hoping she would take the bait. Doing so he opened their lifestyle to you."

"Full fifty shades?" Julien asked, getting himself a dig in the ribs off Angelina. "What? I just wondered."
"Yes. Full fifty shades." Tim stated. "Whips, floggers, paddles, handcuffs, ropes, blindfolds everything."
"Pleasure and pain?" Jojo said. "Arousal and punishment."
Tim felt himself blush when he said arousal.
"You OK?" Luis asked. Tim nodded and walked away.

They all sat around quietly when Bene said.
"Would any of you try it?"
"Would you? If it was offered." Luis asked.
"Maybe. It's all according to what was offered." Bene grinned. "Pleasure definitely. Why would you be punished?"
"Doing something the dominator didn't like." Jojo said. "Talking to them wrongly or not doing as they were told."
"Do you think Alexis will punish Jacob tonight? I wonder what she'll do if she does." Bene continued.
Tim stood up and rubbed his friends head.
"Don't think about it too much or your c**k will explode."
Everyone laughed.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now