Cats Out The Bag....

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Alexis pov

The coffee house was busy as usual. Since their break up nine weeks ago, she has taken to working everyday. Everyday one of the group or the team comes in. Except him.
Tonight they all came in. Even Angelina who was up visiting Julien.
It was coming close to closing times and everyone was laughing. She was busy behind the counter laughing with Mitch the other barista when the door opened. She looked up and shouted over
"Get him out of here."
Jacob slowly made his way towards her.

"Alexis please." He begged.
"Leave Jacob." She demanded.
"Just let me talk to you. Please."
The boys arrived behind him.
He fought to get out of their grip. "Alexis?"
"No Jacob. I've had it." The boys were pulling him towards the door. "Next you'll be saying I've slept with every male in here."
The place went silent.
"No... No. No I won't I promise. I need you Alexis. Let me go, I need to speak with my wife." He growled.
"What for? To call me names again. Make me feel unworthy. I expect you'll think this baby isn't yours either."
She slapped a hand over her mouth wishing she had said nothing.

"Baby." He stopped fighting. "You're having a baby? My baby?"
"Get out Jacob. Just go." She turned and went into the kitchen where she sat taking deep breaths. Her head began spinning and she slipped to the floor.
A strong pair of arms caught her.
"Get her some water." Tims voice commanded. "I've got you Lexi. He's gone."
She cried in Tims arms.
Taking the water she sipped slowly.
"Why haven't you said anything to any of us?"
Looking up they all stood there.
She sipped more water.
The door opened and Mitch stuck his head in. "Err guys you need to see this."


Jacob's pov

Sitting in the mansion alone he went into the kitchen to make a drink. Everyone had gone to the coffee house to see Alexis.
Pouring hot water into the cup, he took a deep breath. He can't go on like this.
Nine weeks away from her. Well nine weeks not holding her or being close to her. He's sat outside the house and the coffee house, watching her from afar. But he had not had any contact.
He messaged her and tried to ring her but she didn't answer. He had pushed letters through her door but found them under his windscreen wipers the next day. Unopened.

Emptying the coffee down the sink and rinsing the cup, he puts on his jacket and grabs his keys. He needed to make things right. He needed her to talk to him, to let him beg her forgiveness. He needed her.
Finding a parking spot as close as he could he made his way to the coffee house. From the window he could see the guys sitting close to the counter. Then he saw her, behind the counter smiling and laughing. She looked amazing. Her long hair pulled up high, her eyes shining as she laughed with the guy working with her and a few customers.
Slowly he pushed the door open.
Her eyes caught his.
"Get him out of here." She shouted.
He slowly made his way towards her.

"Alexis please." He begged.
"Leave Jacob." She demanded.
"Just let me talk to you. Please."
The boys arrived behind him.
He fought to get out of their grip. "Alexis?"
"No Jacob. I've had it." The boys were pulling him towards the door. "Next you'll be saying I've slept with every male in here."
The place went silent.
"No... No. No I won't I promise. I need you Alexis. Let me go, I need to speak with my wife." He growled, still fighting to get free.
"What for? To call me names again. Make me feel unworthy. I expect you'll think this baby isn't yours either."
He watched as she slapped a hand over her mouth.
"Baby." He stopped fighting. "You're having a baby? My baby? Alexis" She walked out the back. "Let me go... ALEXIS" He shouted.

The guys got him outside and told him to go home before leaving him.
Home. Where is his home?
"Didn't you hear her? She's pregnant. I need to talk to her."
"Give her time bro. She'll speak to you. Don't make things worse, go home." Julien said,turning and going back inside.
He paced up and down, taking off his beanie, he pushed his hand through his hair and replaced his hat.
He needed her to talk to him, he needed her forgiveness but how?
That's when it hit him. It's the only way and it would cause confusion but it had to work.
Walking back into the now empty coffee house, he pushed Mitch out the way and fell to his knees on the floor.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now