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Happy February 29th!!!!! :)

Harry's Pov

Two months had gone by since they'd lost Tonks. The passing of time hadn't made things any easier for them.

It wasn't like they hadn't suffered any casualties before her, nor did any of them expect to make it out of this war without any further deaths. But losing Tonks had been different. It wasn't just her liveliness or constant optimism that had made her such an important part of the Order. It had been what she'd symbolized, as the daughter of Andromeda Black. Living proof that everyone, even those with supremacist beliefs in their heritage, had the potential to fight back and be good. Hope that even in the darkest of times, a spark of light could still emerge. That was what Tonks had given to them all.

Remus had taken it the hardest, of course. He'd lost both his fiance and his future child in one fell swoop. Thus the reason why, despite being one of the most reasonable members of the Order, he'd broken the old rule of not shooting the messenger and had outrightly suggested targeting Y/n when she'd broken the news.

Even Harry had had to admit that the timing had been suspicious. Mere hours after Tonks had been taken for information, the sister coin of that which he'd given to Y/n, had glowed a fiery red. What were the odds that the Death Eaters had failed in their attempt to torture locations out of Tonks, and that Y/n had stepped up to play the role of triple agent for them?

Harry had taken the coin to Kingsley, who, after Moody's death the previous summer, had taken over as head of the Order of the Phoenix. After giving Harry a heated lecture about how he never should've given a token of peace to Dumbledore's killer, and another long speech about how keeping such secrets could be fatal for the future of the cause, Kingsley had finally calmed down and agreed to hear Y/n out. Even if she did have ulterior motives, which was the most likely case, they could beat her at her own game. Pry information out of her without her even realizing it, or even better, sabotage the Death Eaters by slipping her false information and seeing what she did with it.

Months had passed since she'd first discreetly met up with Arthur at the Ministry, yet none of the traps that they'd set up for her had been triggered. Either Y/n had been smart enough to realize that they would never trust her with any real information, or... Well, she really did have the best of intentions at heart.

It certainly seemed that way, even if most members of the Order were loath to believe it. All the information she'd passed to them thus far, having had access to it all now that she'd taken her place at Voldemort's High Table, had proven to be entirely legitimate. They'd had to be careful with using it, of course, as giving away her role of spy would mean a nasty death for her and the end to all their successful missions. Still, it had become apparent that the tides of the war were now turning, that the Order was no longer looked upon as desperate rebels, but a genuine beacon of hope to those being persecuted under the new regime. More people contacted them with every passing day, offering small tokens of confidence, or even volunteering to join up as a member themselves.

The end of the war was nearing. Harry could see it now.

Leaning against the porch overlooking the fields of the Macmillan estate, Harry did something he hadn't done in a very long time, and simply chose to enjoy the tranquil moment. He could see Luna in the distance, her long silvery hair glinting underneath the sunlight as she taught the new recruits how to perform a Patronus Charm. Seeing her light up when one of her students managed to produce a corporeal Patronus... Harry wished he had her ability to find real happiness in even the worst of times, but until he could manage it, he'd just have to make do with letting her joy infect him.

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