9. ᴏʙʟɪᴛᴇʀʀᴀᴛᴇ

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 "So if I am to understand this correctly," says Professor McGonagall, while Professor Snape looms behind us, "Miss Malfoy, you punched Mr Riddle in the face because he abused his status of captaincy to put you through physical torture, and you, Mr Riddle, did that to Miss Malfoy because she'd set you on fire the previous week?"

"Precisely, professor," Mattheo replies.

"Mr Riddle, surely you are aware that school rules do not allow you to dangle students off of anything, much less goalposts that stand two hundred feet above the ground!" McGonagall shouts indignantly, her hair a bedraggled mess due to the frenzy she's worked herself up to.

"Actually, professor, I don't think there's anything in the rulebooks that prohibit me from doing that specifically."

"Mr Riddle!"

"Sorry, professor."

"But Miss Malfoy- Surely you had good reason for attacking Mr Riddle in the first place? If your attack was unprovoked, then however drastic Mr Riddle's actions may have been, as the initial instigator, you will have to be given the same punishment as him."

I like McGonagall, really, I do. If it had been Snape who'd found me attacking Mattheo on the pitch, he wouldn't have asked for details- Either he would've dished out the same punishments to the both of us, or he would have let Mattheo get away scot free, considering Snape does serve Mattheo's father and everything. McGonagall, on the other hand, is trying her best to seem fair, trying to figure out why a student would have lit their classmate's robes on fire for no apparent reason at all. I'd be able to get away with everything if I could just tell her about the Imperius Curse Mattheo used on me, but that's only going to lead to more questions, questions I know I don't ever want to have to give the answers to.

"He was annoying me, professor," I mutter.

"Annoying you? Verbally?"

"Something like that."

"Wha-" McGonagall sighs. "Severus, you'll see to their detentions, don't you? Their weekly ones?"

"Weekly ones?" Mattheo repeats.

"Yes, Mr Riddle, you displayed an exceptional lack of compassion and according to Miss Malfoy, practically delighted in causing her physical pain. We'll see if a month's worth of detentions will be able to do anything about that," the professor thins her lips. "Off with you then, the both of you."

Mattheo heads off to the Great Hall, whereas I stomp down in the other direction, into the dungeons and through the portrait hole, until it's just me in my room with no one else around. I try crying into my pillow, but I already used up the tears I had while hanging on for dear life all the way up in the sky. So I settle on screaming instead, screaming myself hoarse and tearing my nails through my sheets and knocking over everything in sight-

A deafening cry explodes out of me, and with it, a burst of lethal magic that obliterates everything in this room. The walls that make up Hogwarts castle are magical, which is the only reason that my special brand of magic remains contained within this room. A storm of pitch black, cutting across the surfaces desks and closets until it finally dissipates, and there's just... Nothing.

"R-Reparo," I stutter, and start mending everything once the panic dies down. It's arduous work, but fortunately, the other girls are at lunch and as it's a lovely weekend afternoon, I'm sure they'll be spending some time outside before coming back in. I collapse in exhaustion soon after that, and when I wake up, it's already the next morning.

"You alright?" Pansy stares at me when I pull myself up with a groan. "Blaise has been saying so many crazy things, as has the rest of the Quidditch team- Y/n, how much of it is true?"

"I'm going to kill him," I say hoarsely, my throat still sore from all the screaming I did yesterday. "I swear, I'm going to kill that bastard."

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