7. ᴀᴍᴏʀᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴀ

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 "What do you mean, you've invited Riddle?" I stare at Pansy in horror. "Parkinson, I thought we were supposed to be friends!"

"I couldn't not ask him! I had to ask Theo, we've been friends since forever, and Theo's with Mattheo all the time, I couldn't find an opening where it was just him and it would've been rude not to invite Mattheo when he's just standing right there!"


"I'm sorry!"

Pansy and I are whisper-shouting in one of the boys' rooms, arguing over her poor choice of invites to Daphne's surprise birthday party. Blaise returns carrying a box filled with fire whiskies, soon followed by Draco who informs us that he's only staying for half an hour and not a second longer. Theo arrives, as does Enzo, and much to my dismay, the two boys come with Mattheo trailing right after them. Pansy scrambles out of the room to bring Daphne inside, and once she does, all of us shower the birthday girl with presents and pop open the bottles of whisky. All of us except for Draco, that is, who, true to his word, leaves almost right after watching Daphne's reactions to her birthday gifts.

"Look what I brought!" Pansy slurs, already halfway through her bottle. She holds up a glimmering pink vial created in the shape of a heart.

"Isn't that a Weasley product?" I frown.

"Amortentia!" Daphne squeals. "This'll make up for the chances the rest of us didn't get thanks to Blaise!"

"Hey!" Blaise complains.

"What did you smell that had you getting all flustered, Zabini?" Enzo leans forward. "Or rather, who?"

"No one. Cut it out, Berkshire."

"Ooh," Pansy sings. "Blaise has got a crush on someone and he won't tell us who it is."

"What are you, twelve?"

"Yeah, knock it off, Pansy," I say, but then smirk as I add, "Besides, I thought we'd already agreed it was Ginny Weasley that Blaise fancies?"

"What?" everyone but Mattheo shrieks, because apparently the son of the Dark Lord can't deign to give proper reactions like a normal person.

"I'm not- That's not-"

"Oh please, your description of the scent almost matched completely with Harry's, and I've spent enough time with him to know who he's got a thing for."

"And what about when we were all talking about Ginny Weasley on the Express last week?" Theo smirks. "You didn't deny it when I said she was hot."

"Objective attractiveness and personal attraction to a person are two very different- Stop laughing, Greengrass! I wouldn't touch a filthy blood traitor like her if you paid me."

"Personally, I don't think prejudices of any sort should have a say in the matter when it comes to objective attractiveness," Mattheo remarks. "If someone is hot, you fuck them. It's that simple- Fuck you, Y/n!" He twists around from his spot on the floor when I smack him upside the head.

"Oops, guess my hand must have slipped," I say, patting down the curls on his head until he slaps my hand away.

"Mattheo, that last bit you just said? String it along with the rest of it and tell us what you get," Pansy cackles, while Daphne keels over with laughter beside her.

My face heats up when I understand the meaning of Pansy's words, but Mattheo appears unbothered. "I stand by what I said," he shrugs, causing Pansy to gasp. "So you'd fuck Y/n, then?" she shrieks, then very narrowly dodges a plastic cup that I chuck at her head.

"Sure." Mattheo turns and looks up at me, lying on my stomach on Theo's bed. "Objectively speaking, Y/n is attractive. So why not?"

"Well thank you, Mattheo," I nod solemnly. "I, too, think you're attractive. Objectively speaking, of course."

"Of course."

"Completely objective."


"Thank you for the compliment."

"Thank you for the-"

"For Merlin's sake, can't the two of you get drunk like normal people?" Enzo complains.

I smack Mattheo on the head once more for good measure, then reach down for another fire whisky. "The Amortentia, start passing it around," I say to Pansy.

Daphne gets it first, since it's her birthday- She blushes beet red when she recognizes the scent, but refuses to tell anyone who it is. Theo goes next, and everyone gets amused when he tells us he can only smell books- We all know how much he likes pouring himself into his studies, after all. He goes on, talking about fresh parchment and ink, but trails off after mentioning a hint of perfume.

"Green apples and a whiff of ferret, I'm guessing?" Mattheo drawls when Pansy tries it next.

"Huh... No, actually," the brunette frowns. "It just smells like home. Guess I've gotten over him."

"My turn!" I jump forward, ramming into Mattheo's shoulder in the process. I undo the cork and use my hand to fan the scent of the potion over to me. And I get... "Nothing."

"Sure, Y/n," Blaise says sarcastically.

"No- I'm telling the truth," I frown. "Why can't I smell anything?"

"Are you being serious?" Theo asks. "You should get a whiff of home at least, like Pansy, no?"

"Never really had a home worth loving. All those years abroad made me lose touch with my family- And I never had any proper friends at Durmstrang, either. Admirers, yes, but no one I knew personally..." Sweet Salazar, do I really have nothing and no one that I love? "It smells like the lakes at Durmstrang, I guess," I make up a hasty lie, then pass the potion to Mattheo, who refuses it without a single word.

"Don't be so boring, Mattheo," Enzo nudges his friend in the shoulder. "Tell us what you smell."

"Nope. I never agreed to any of this, and none of you can make me." He finishes his whisky and manages to stand, somehow unaffected by the strong drink. "We should get back to our dorms. You coming, Enzo?"

My eyes start getting heavy not long after that. I practically collapse on Theo's bed while Theo himself passes out in Draco's. The girls take up Blaise's bed after kicking him off, and soon, all five of us fall into a heavy sleep.

The dreams manage to haunt me this time. Ghosts of my past coming to tell me that I will never know the meaning of love. That someone so destructive as I am will forever be incapable of it... And the worst part is, I know they're right.

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