57. ʜᴇᴀʀᴛʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ

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um???? 100K+ reads??? omygod i love you guys so fucking much it's unreal!! especially considering that i literally don't have(and won't have) a social life(for the rest of this entire year(fck the korean college-hierarchy system for that)), my days practically revolve around reading your comments and messages so a special thank you to all of you for making my experience in the mattheo fandom the best thing in the world <33

*sighs* i REALLY wasn't gonna do this because i'm so not kidding when i say i'm running out of chapters to post, but we've gotta celebrate this lil milestone in some way, right? so... double update today?? maybe?? *laughs nervously in i'm-not-gonna-have-any-more-chapters-to-post-anymore-so-i'm-gonna-have-to-put-a-pause-in-the-extra-EXTRA-traumatic-war-AU-mattheo-fic-that-i've-been-writing-these-days-and-come-back-to-writing-this-book-instead*

to elaborate on the last bit: ya think juvenile-angsty-teenager mattheo is toxic?? just wait til you get a load of general-of-a-death-eater-army mattheo, who's been leading his father's army for the past four years in an alternate universe where the war never stopped!! :) (coming at some point in the indefinite future)

Breakups suck.

My friends have returned to me again, though I'm not sure I want to call them that anymore. Theo's behavior, I can excuse, but Blaise, Pansy, and Daphne abandoned me when I needed them most. Which is why, when they hesitantly approach me that evening, the only thing I want to do is to push them away, to lock Pansy and Daphne out of our dorm and spend the rest of the night crying myself to sleep.

But I don't do any of those things. I've gone through enough drama in one day to last anyone a lifetime. I'm too exhausted to start up even more.

So I let the girls pamper me with Honeydukes sweets. I sit silently as they flood their mouths with endless apologies. I make a decent attempt at trying to understand where they're coming from. Of course they would've been wary of me and Mattheo, especially after all the rumors that were roaming around in the weeks after Dumbledore's death. They had every right to be frightened, and the way Mattheo treated Enzo and Blaise proved their fears to have been correct. But still... Shouldn't our year-long friendship have counted for something, at least? A hint of hesitance, a sliver of remorse?

"We haven't caught up with each other in so long," Pansy says, as she passes yet another box of chocolates around. "Did you hear, Y/n? Daphne's aunt has gotten her engaged."

"Has she really?" Enzo asks from where he sits beside me, attempting to keep the false cheery mood going for my sake. "Beatrix finally gave up on having me as a nephew in-law?"

"As much as it would've pleased her to have a Berkshire in the family, yes," Daphne rolls her eyes. "She's arranged this whole thing with me and Marcus Flint, remember him?"

"That daft Quidditch player who graduated a couple years back?" Enzo frowns.

"That's the one. Pretty sure we're related in some way or another, but my aunt's refusing to let me marry anyone outside of the Twenty-Eight."

"I thought you said she wanted to make you a Malfoy?" Pansy asks, causing me to choke on my Peppermint Toad.

"No, that was Astoria, you're confusing me for my sister..."

As the two ramble on, I give a glance in Enzo's direction, and he raises his eyebrows at me in response. Want to leave? he mouths, subtly nodding at the door.

His suggestion is definitely a meritable one, but I need to get my friends back in my life, even if I don't want to. It's the only way I'll be able to distract myself from the breakup for as long as it takes me to get over him.

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