Baby vaggie part two

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Carmilla's level of stress reaches astronomically high levels when she opens the front door to find her entryway completely marked in watercolor paint.

A giant mark of runny blue on the wall. One small pair of yellow palm prints on the wall and one bigger pair of orange palm prints. Red paint splashes on the hardwood floor, and a trail of green footprints that lead her to the living room.

It's a mess. A colossal mess.

A mess she can't even tell if it was the two year old toddler's fault — despite her amazing pouting superpowers, she knew her older daughters well enough to know not much convincing would be needed to talk her into doing this.

Rushed steps sound from upstairs, and then a desperate, Odette called out. "vaggie, you have to get washed up before momma gets home, come back here!"

"But momma likes my paintings!" The little girl tries to argue, giggling and sprinting towards the living room. "She's gonna love our– Momma!"

Vaggie runs to her arms almost immediately, and as a reflex, carmilla bends forward to scoop her up in her arms.

"Hello, my angel." Literally forgetting about the fact she probably stained her outfit — and the unholy amount of paint she has on her hair — carmilla kisses vaggie's forehead, rocking her slightly. "I see you had a lot of fun today!"

"Yeah! Mommy let me try the paint sisters gave me." She replies, excitedly.

At that moment, clara and Odette slowly walks into the room — also covered in paint — with a guilty smile on their faces.

"Mother , you're home early." Odette scratches the nape of her neck. "It's only four."

"The meeting with the informant went smoother than I expected, and Zestial said I should come home for the day."

"Good... good! That's great!" Clara says.

Carmilla narrows her eyes at her.

"So... the house... we got a little carried away with the art set we got vaggie." Odette nervously said.

"A little?" Carmilla quirks an eyebrow. Clara looks away nervously.

"Okay, a lot."

"Momma, do you like my art? I used many colors." The little angel asks, catching everyone's attention.

"I saw that, darling. But maybe we could use a canvas next time? So we can keep it. Even hang it in your room."

Vaggie gives her a big smile, eagerly nodding, has small droplets of paint on her brows.

" Otay !" She agrees, placing her hand on her wild curls. "My hair is hard."

" Stiff, dear." Carmilla corrects her, walking towards her daughter Clara. "How did she get purple paint on her hair?"

" Hm , she had paint on her hands. And her curls were making her nose itch, so she just..." odette moves her hand above her head, sliding front to back. "Then it got like that."

"And how did you get paint in your hair?"

"I did the same."

"Where else did you three play with paint?"

Before Clara could answer, vaggie jumped up in the air using her hummingbird wings. "Everywhere! It's a big painting!"

" Everywhere?" Carmilla parrots, the muscles of her jaw tensing slightly.

Odette shrugs, sheepishly. "We got excited... And... vaggie has great ideas. She made a good painting in the hall. Flying sheep and stars–" Carmilla frowns at that. "She said the sheep were astronauts."

"So, no pouting superpower was needed to convince you?"

"Oh, she had me the moment she said 'pwease' ."

She shakes her head. Clara continues.

"We were playing in her room, but then I needed to go to the bathroom. When I came back, vaggie had run out of our room."

She purses her lips. "Our room? There's paint in our room?"


I couldn't resist guys, girls and nonbinary 😤
And I think it's so sweet that Carmilla has such an influence as a mentor in such a small amount of time!

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