Chapter 27

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When Niall, Louis and Harry walked away I look at Zayn with a concerned look. "You have it more often?" Zayn nods. "It's no big deal man, the worst what can happen is fainting and then I'll come back in a few minutes, like a few minutes ago. Don't worry about me." "Don't worry? You think I don't worry when this happens a lot? Man, you scared me to death."

"Yeah sure, and the news will be all about how a singer from the biggest boyband has an eating disorder." "It's not about that Zayn, it's about your health." He looks down. "Okay." He mumbles.

I rub his leg. "I know it's hard Z, I understand that." "Li you can't understand this, you never experienced it, I can't even look at food without thinking 'damn if I eat that I'll get fat' you can't understand this without experiencing it."

I look down, not knowing what to say. What if I say something wrong? I really don't want that, I mean
he has a point. "Hmm." Is the only thing I say. He looks a bit disappointed by that answer.

He takes the cookie and takes a little bite from it. I see the regret in his eyes. "If you eat half of the cookie you can go." I say.  He takes relieved another little bite. I can see him struggle. "You're doing amazing sweetie." I say, rubbing his back.

"Fuck I hate this" Zayn mumbles, hiding his head in his hands. "Shh, calm down, it's gonna be okay" I say, stroking a bit hair out of his face. "I can't eat it further" Zayn says soft. I look at the cookie, there two bites out of it. "Zayn, I know it's hard love, but you have to eat some more."

"But it's so hard." He says. The door opens slowely. It's Louis. "Can I come in?" He asks. I nod. He sits down at the other side of Zayn and places his hand on Zayn shoulder. He takes a cookie out of his pocket. "I've got a cookie too. Should we eat it together?" he takes a bite. Something in his eyes look sad. "But you-" Zayn starts. "Shh." Louis stops him

I look a bit confused at the two boys in front of me but decide to let it go because Zayn starts to eat a bit more too. When he ate the cookie half he puts it next to him. "Well done" Louis says. Zayn smiles soft. "Thanks Lou." "You're welcome mate."

We walk to the living room, where we find Niall and Harry. "Are you alright?" Harry asks. Zayn nods. "Yeah, I'm okay." "Should we drink some coffee?" I asks. Everyone agrees. "Louis, could you come with me for a second I can't grab five mugs all together."

Louis and I walk into the kitchen. "Um, are you okay?" I ask, Louis nods. "Yeah why?" "Because, um, the cookie thing?" I ask. Louis makes an understanding sound. "Oh! That, yeah I struggle a bit with eating too sometimes, nothing to bad, and Harry's helping me so you don't have to worry about me Li, I know you do" Louis says.

"Okay alright, but tell me when you need help, okay?" Louis nods. "I'll be fine." We grabs the coffee mugs and walk back to the others.

We decide to get away from the whole eating disorder topic and start to talk about something else. I'm not really taking though, I'm so damn worried, about everyone to be honest.

It wouldn't surprise me if Harry also has problems, and Niall. They say that people who smile a lot have the most problems... no, Niall is a little happy man, he doesn't have problems.

But what if he does? Everyone has problems right? And he seems upset because of his boyfriend sometimes. Fuck I need to stop thinking or I'm gonna go crazy. "Liam!" I look up. "Hm?" "I asked you something" Harry says. The boys all look worried at me. "Are you okay mate?" Niall asks.

"Yeah, yeah I am. I was just thinking about what happened." I answer. No asked further questions.

"Alright let's all go to bed again, because we're all tired" Louis says then. We all nod. Zayn walks fine again but I still help him a bit. When Zayn and I lay in our dubble bed he lays his head on my chest. "Something's wrong, you're acting a bit weird love" he says, his voice sounds a bit worried.

"It's nothing." I shake my head. "It is something, tell me." "Well, you probably already know it, but that thing about Louis." "Ohh that." Zayn says.  I look weird at him. "You don't think it's a big deal? The same could happen to him as that happened to you!" "Well.. Harry helps him with it, and it's going way better now." Zayn says, a bit scared. "Atleast, that's what he says."

"But he'll probably be okay Li" Zayn says, rubbing my arm. "I'm just so worried" I say soft. "About who?" "About everyone."

~849 words~
Next chapter is gonna be fun


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