Chapter 18

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"Yeah, it's going great. It feels good to be on tour again." Michael answers. "And when is the next show?" "Thursday, so in 2 days."

"I erm, heard something about Louis and Harry, that you guys are together, is that true?" Luke asks, Harry and Louis both nod. "Yeah, that's true, where'd you hear that?" Louis asks. "Congrats guys! I heard someone from our management say something about it, so I think Simon talked with Benjamin or something."

"Yeah, he doesn't like it very much that we're together. He probably said it in a way that it sounds horrible." Harry says with a sad face. "Btw, no one from us 5 is single." Liam says smiling. "If it's not only a crush for Niall." He says. "So you and Zayn also have found someone?" Michael asks. They nod. "We kind of found.. each other." Zayn says. Nervously plying with his fingers.

Calum grins and holds his hand up to Luke. "Give me the 10 dollars" he says. Luke sights. "Seriously? We're a bet?" Liam asks laughing. "Yup" Luke says, finding 10 dollars in his pocket and giving it to Calum.

"Well, as we were about to say. We're together." Liam says laughing. "Whooo!" The boys from 5SOS shout from excitement. "Noted, new song idea." Michael says jokely. "Ahh c'mon." Zayn says. "Okay, that was a joke. But I'm really happy for you guys!"

Luke, who sits next to Zayn pats his shoulder. "I'm happy for you guys too." Ashton and Calum nod in agreement. "Thanks lads" Liam says with a smile. "And the management doesn't know about you guys?" Calum asks. Zayn and Liam both shake their head. "Nope, they don't, so we would appreciate it if you don't tell it to anyone."

Luke and Ashton zip their mouths, and throw away the key. Not littuarly, but they act like they do. "We won't tell into anyone." They say. An awkward silence follows. "Who wants another cookie?"I Ashton make it less awkward. Everyone nods.

We chat and laugh further for a few hours. "I think we should go, Benjamin is spamming me" Luke says with a laugh. "Okay" Calum says. They stand up and the all hug each other short as goodbye. I hug Ashton. "Love you" I whisper. "Love you more Ni."

I look at Harry and he has a huge smile on his face. "What's with you, Haz?" Michael asks. "Nothing, it was just really fun seeing you again."Michael looks suspiciously at Harry, but lets it go. "Shit, I forgot my wallet." Ashton says, walking back to the living room where no one is. I take the hint and say: "I'm gonna help him search."

When I walk into the livingroom Ashton immediately pushes his lips onto mine. I make a surprised sound.

He mumbles something, but I can't really understand him because his tongue has made his way in my mouth. We slowly move back. "I don't wanna miss you." I whisper. "Me neither." He whispers back. I hug him tightly and begin to cry. "See you soon." I say. I let him go, and we walk back to the hallway.

"That took long" Michael says. "Couldn't find it" Ashton says simple. "Shall we go?"

They go sit in the car, Ashton sits by the window. We wave them goodbye and there they go. We walk back to the livingroom where I get my phone out of my pocket. Ashton already texted me. "I miss you already." "Miss you to." I text back.

"Who are you textiiiing" Louis sits down next to me and sees the hearts on my phone. Luckily I can turn it off before he can read who I text. "Can't you just tell me?" He asks with puppy eyes. "No" I say.

"Is Nialler angry?" Louis says teasing. "No, just a bit annoyed. I'm not gonna tell you yet." "When are you gonna tell it then?" I shrug. "I don't know. Maybe in a few days, maybe in a few weeks." Louis go sits up side down on to couch, which looks kind of funny. "I cant wait that long."

"I'm sorry Lou, but you have to wait" I say, I feel a bit guilty. "Let him be ready love" Harry says, leaning over the couch to kiss Louis, that works, Louis goes with the kiss and forgets about me for a while.

Today we're going to a signing, another one. I love the fans, but everyone screams and talks so my ears are dead by the end of those 3 hours. The doorbell rings, it's Paul. He drives us to the shopping hall where the signing is this time.

"Paul you need to help us" Louis says when we're in the car. "What is is Louis?" "Niall has a crush and he won't tell us who." Niall groans. "Seriously? We're gonna talk about this again?" His voice sounds more pissed than I think he actually wanted it to be. "Wow Jesus, sorry, I didn't know you would get pissed" Louis mumbles. "Lou, let it go, he isn't gonna tell us" I say, Louis looks at me. "You know something I don't, don't you?"

-865 words-
Hi little cute small toes (wth is that name, okay anyways) I'm bored and I don't know what to say, so I'm just gonna say something random. Wait maybe I can ask Volleybal1234

Thanks for the reads and sweet comments it makes us really happy :) <3
X Jorieke and Britt

Amazayn, that was beautiful

Okay, I'll stop I know I'm annoying

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