Chapter 26

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I wake up from a knocking sound on the window. I look up and see shadows. Human shadows. With the knocking sound, I also hear egg shatters and screaming people. Louis wakes up too, a bit annoyed. I put on a t-shirt and some training jeans and open the curtains.

"What the fuck?" Louis walks towards the window too. There are a few people, dressed in black. When they see Louis and me one shouts: "Fags!" and then they run away. Flabbergasted I sit back on the bed.

Louis still stands in the window opening, questioning what just happened. Egg white drips from the window. "What was that?" Louis asks, staring outside. I look up at him. "Haters." I answer him short.

Louis sits down next to me, I start to cry. "Why is everything going wrong? First I got drugged and now there are people throwing eggs at our house, what the hell is this?" I say. Louis wraps an arm around me and rubs my shoulder comforting.

"It'll be okay, love." "No it won't." He keeps rubbing his hand over my back. It calms me down a bit, but I'm still crying. We don't say much. Then I realize. "I remember one of those men." I mumble. Louis looks up. "He was there too during our dinner." I say, more to myself. "Yes, you're right. I think I saw two people that were there too."

"That's weird, how do they know where we live?" Louis laughs short. "The fandom is better than the FBI love, it probably leaked somewhere" this makes me laugh too. There's a knock on the door. "Come in!" Louis says. The door opens and Liam stands there, his hair is a mess and his eyes are worried. "What were those sounds lads?"

"Haters." I answer. "Oh I'm sorry." Louis shakes his head: "don't be. That's what happens when you're openly gay." "What did they do?" Liam asks, and sits down on the bench in our room. "Screaming, calling us fags, throwing eggs at the window." saying all the things that happened. Liam walks to the window, and sees the ravage.

"Damn" he mumbles. "Mhm-mhm" I answer. "Are you guys okay?" He asks, Louis and I both nod. "Yeah, we're fi-" "LIAM!" We hear Niall scream from a room. We look at each other and run towards the sound. There is Zayn, laying in the ground with Niall panicking next to him. "He passed out! I have no idea what happend!"

"Fuck fuck." Liam murmurs. Running towards Zayn. "What happened Zayn, can you hear me?" He asks.

Zayn groans soft. "Fuck I'm so dizzy" he mumbles. Liam's eyes get a bit bigger, he seems to realise something. "Niall get some water and a cookie okay? And Haz and Lou go to sleep again, I got this."

Louis turns around slowely, but I grab his arm. "We're not going anywhere Liam. If he needs to get down the stairs then I'll help." I say, Louis now realizing that he actually doesn't want to go back to bed. "C'mon just go, I dont have time to get in a discussion."

Liam looks at me. "Please Haz, I know what this is about and that is something what Zayn told me trusting me, so please, I'll get you guys if I need help I promise."

"We know it too, Liam." I say. He ignores me because Niall comes back. "Zayn, are you still here?" "Yes." He groans. "There's a wall on you left, you're going to sit leaning on that, I'm going to help you and if you can't help along then Harry helps me."

Liam slowly gets Zayn on his feet and I see Zayn has a hard time walking so I grab his other arm and lead him with Liam to the wall. "Okay Z, You're doing great" Liam says after we sat Zayn down.

"Here's an ice pack, wrapped in a towel." Niall says and puts it in Zayn's neck. Zayn scares a little because of the cold. "And I've got a drink and a cookie. Do you want any of the two?"

Zayn shakes his head but Liam nods. "Li I'm fine." "Drink something Z, okay? And then you'll eat the cookie later."

Zayn takes the water and drinks some of it. He tries to get up. "Don't do that you idiot!" Louis says, a bit mad. "You're gonna fall and hurt yourself." Zayn sights. "I'm alright, I've had this earlier and no one noticed, so don't worry. I got this."

Zayn wants to stand up again but Liam grabs his shoulders and slowly pushes him down again. "Um, can you let us alone for a second, please?" He asks, looking back at Louis, Niall and me.

~896 words~
Well, that took a while :)

Love you all xx

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