Chapter 9

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"Okay, let me guess. This was Louis' idea." Paul says after we told him everything. "Jup, you guessed that right." Louis says laughing. "It is sad for the fans though." Harry says. "Yea, like me leaving the band isn't sad." Louis says. He kisses Harry on his cheek.

"Okay but you two" Paul points to Harry and Louis. "Are so incredibly cute together" Harry blushes and Louis smiles wildly. "Thanks!" "Another ships in the band or is this it?" Paul asks teasing, looking to Zayn and me. Niall starts to grin. "Sorry" he laughs. "You told him?" I ask surprised. "Be honest Payno, you two be cute together" Niall says. "Ugh, stop it" Zayn laughs.

"I'm not gonna stop, until you two are together." Niall says laughing. I shake my head. "Disappointed Niall, I'm very disappointed in you." I say joking.

We laugh and Paul starts the car. "Okay wait" he says. "Shall I say to Simon you guys acted a bit weird?" We all nod. "O my god yes! That would make our plan even better, thanks man!" Zayn says patting Paul on the shoulder. "No problem!"


We're at home, chilling. Suddenly louis gets a call. "It's Simon." He says. "Act like we said." I nod and Zayn and I inmeadiatly begin a pillow fight. "What's that on the background?" We hear Simon ask Louis. "They're having another pillow fight." Louis says monotone.

"What is wrong with you guys?" Simon asks, his voice sounds mad. "Don't you get we're upset?" "Stop fucking with everyone!" Simon says mad. My dirty mind brain begins to work and I start to laugh. "He's only fucking Harry, Simon, don't exaggerate so much" Zayn laughs. That's when Simon hangs up. We all laugh.

"I really wanna see his face now." Louis says laughing. "Same, but I don't think it's a good idea to see him now." I say, also laughing.

"But er, we aren't fucking yet" Louis says grinning, Harry turns a deep red colour. Niall, Zayn and I start to laugh. "Thanks for the information Tommo, but we didn't need that" I laugh.

I see Louis winking at me. I shake my head, a bit to hard, Liam noticed it and asks: "Why are you shaking your head?" "Louis winked at me after saying that." I answer. Liam, Niall and Zayn inmeadiatly look at Louis. "What?" He asks innocent.

"Don't look so innocent Tommo, we all know no control is about Harry" Liam says teasing. "We didn't even published that song yet!" Louis says. "That's nothing important for this conversation Lou" Niall laughs. "Guys stop, Harry's red again" Louis says chuckling. "Of course, put the attention on me, thanks love" I say laughing.


"Hey lads, we made it!" Louis says looking at his phone. "What?" Niall says. "Look!" Louis shows what's on his phone. We all read it. "Our plan worked!" Liam says first after he's done reading.

Zayn laughs after reading it. "What the hell, it really worked" he says a bit surprised. "Can I see it again?" Louis gives me his phone. The news says: One Direction is acting weird, this is the last news.

'In the last show the boys from one direction acted weird from their normal. No one knows why or what happened.' Says the first sentence. I laugh. "Well, a lot people noticed, we just need to keep this going for a week, and Simon will say something else."

Liam and Zayn give each other a high five, or what you can call a high five, their hands keep sticking for a while. Okay, yeah, they're totally in love and they're very lucky Niall didn't see that.


"Another show, another day. The same as yesterday. Keep it going lads." Louis says, when we're alone. "And love." He says, saying to me. "Louis, I know you love me and I love you to. But don't make me blush before a concert."

Louis grins wide and runs with his hand trough my hair. "Thank you now it's messed up" "No it's better like this" I laugh shaking my head and then we walk on stage.

We're all in our roles. The fans scream when Liam and Zayn come running after eachother on stage. When Zayn lays on the ground Liam stands with one foot on him and shows his abs. The whole crowd laughs.

I hop on stage and pat Liam friendly on his shoulder. Then Niall and Louis walk on stage too, they don't look excited, very tired, I'm so glad Lou wanted to help us and made fake bags under their eyes.

"Why are you two so tired?" Simon asks Louis and Niall. "Because of you." Louis answers serious with a sprinkle of joy in his eyes. "Yes, now it's my fault. You are disappointing the fans! They want a nice concert, and then you two are there sitting boring and forgetting to sing!"

"It's your fault we act like this" Louis starts, Simon wants to say something. "Let me finish" Louis interrupts. "You know Simon, it's not fair you let us act like we're a total different person than we are. And the thing is, you drained us" he laughs short. "You fucking drained us with your stupid plannings, and I'm done with this."

-880 words-

It's not all roses ~Larry Stylison~Where stories live. Discover now