Chapter 1

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I shut the door behind me, how could he do this to me?

He was there all the time, and now he left me behind, like I'm some kind of shit.

"Harry fucking styles, where the fuck are you?!', I scream, Harry walks towards me. "Hey Lou, what's up?"

"Don't you know it? Haven't you heard the news?" I say

"Uhm, no I haven't, is there something wrong?', he asks, I roll my eyes, why is he denying?


"Wait, who? Who saw us? I literally haven't saw anyone!" He says. "And please don't yell at my like that."

"Sorry Haz, I'm just scared. The management are gonna kill us." I say. "But I don't know who has seen it. Maybe it was Jenna, Niall's ex. She said she wanned revenge."

"Where are the other lads? O my fucking god Simon is gonna kill us!" He starts to cry. 'I'm so sorry Lou!"

"Come here love." I say. He's really upset. "I think the other lads are with Brian, the choreograf."

"I-I can't do t-this anymore.... I'm so tired of hiding our relationship.... Why can't we just be ourselfs?" I hug him. "I don't know sweetheart... but it's gonna be okay, I promise"

Harry cries in my arms. I feel my sweater getting wet.

"I-I'm so sorry Lou..... I thought t-there was n-nobody', he keeps crying, I start to panic a bit. Can I calm him down?

"H." I say. He looks at me in confusion. I almost never call him that, only when we're both really sad. " what's up boobear?" He asks friendly. "We need to tell it."

"I know.... But I don't know if I'm ready to come out Lou.... It'll change our whole lifes" I sight, he has a point.

"Haz, we only need to tell it to the lads." "But stil!" He says.

"You're right, but are you okay with it if we tell the lads? I can tell them if you want" Harry sights but nods slowly

"I will come with you, but you're gonna tell  them." Harry says.

"That's okay, I'm proud of you Haz" I say and I hug him.

"Hey Niall, Liam and Zayn, we need to tell you guys something." I say when we arrived at the place where we have the choreography. I see the management looking. "Only you three." I say.

The management gives me a weird look, I ignore it and take the guys and Harry with me to our dressing room.

"What do you wanna tell us?" Liam asks. "Have you seen the news?" I ask.

"Uhm no we didn't" Zayn says. "What's up? Is there something wrong?"

"Uhhm... not wrong." Harry says.

"Alright I'm just gonna tell you, Harry and I are together, like a relationship" I say, I see Harry nevously playing with his fingers.

Liam, Niall and Zayn look at us. "R-really?" Zayn asks. I nod. "YES, I'VE SAID IT, GIVE ME THE NANDO'S!" Niall screams.

"Wait what?" I laugh. "Yeah, I said it before, and now I get Nando's YES!" Harry laughs too. "I was a bit nervous about this, but I didn't have to I guess" he says smiling.

"But why are you guys sad? I mean, Harry has red eyes, like he just cried." Zayn asks, ignoring Niall. "The paps have seen us kiss, and they took a photo." I say sadly.

"My fucking god I'm gonna fucking kill them! That bitches!" Says Zayn mad, Liam grabs his arm. "Keep calm Z, there needs to be a friendlier way to fix this."

"friendlier? You mean just slapping them to the hospital?" Zayn asks. Liam shakes his head and says: "No, just talking."

Niall chuckles and Harry and I laugh too. "Treat people with kindness Zaynie" Harry grins. "We can just deny I guess?" I say. "Dunno if that's so easy...." Harry says.

"Haz, we have some people who can do good photoshop." Niall says. Harry nods. "We can atleast try to deny it." I say.

"Alright" Harry Says. "And now kiss" Niall grins, Harry turns red and I begin to blush too.

"I don't know if that is a good idea. I mean. The management hasn't seen it yet." I say. "But I really want to kiss!"I say.

I'm surprised when Harry puts his lips against mines, I smile small. The other boys cheer.

"I'm a happy man." Niall smiles. "Guys, are you guys almost done?" Brian asks from the other side of the door.

Harry let me go. "Uhm, yeah, were coming!" I say, with a red head.

" okay we begin with steal my girl." Brian says.

"Steal my guy" I whisper silently to Harry, he chuckles. Someone from the management gives me a mad look. "Louis, go sit next to Liam" she says. "Oh..."

-822 words-

First chapter! They're all some kind of this big, because it takes pretty long to write with waiting on the other person, and not knowing what to write next :)

We'll see ya in the next chapter <3

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