Chapter 22

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We walk out of the car, inside our home. I inmeadiatly wash the foundation of. "Look, I washed it of." I say to Louis. "Thank you." He says smiling.

I laugh. "You're obsessed with me aren't you?" Louis grins. "Maybe I am" he kisses my temple and walks out of the bathroom.

Louis walks towards me. "You want another one?" Louis asks playing. I laugh. "I would love to, but no." "Hmm, sounds like you want one." He says. He sucks on my skin. "C'mon Lou." I mumble. "I don't see anything." I hear Niall's voice from across the room.

"Lou!" I laugh, looking in the mirror, the skin where Louis just sucked on is turning purple. "I'm just letting people know you're mine" he says with a grin. He wraps his arms from behind 'round my waist and looks at me with a toothy grin.

"Well, they know now." I say laughing. "Hmm, I don't think so.." Louis says, he comes closer, smiling. "No Louis!" I say, I run away laughing. I end up in my room where Louis grabs me. Together we fall on my bed laughing. "Please no Louis." I laugh when he begins to tickle me. Not much later we're in a tickle fight.

Then there's a knock on the door. "I'm not interrupting something again am I? 'Cause we're gonna eat" I hear Niall say. Louis and I laugh. "No you're not, we're coming" Louis chuckles then.

Together we walk out of my bed room. "I could eat you." Louis says smirking. "Louis William Tomlinson." I say. "That's me." "You're so dirty." I laugh. We sit next to each other at the dinnertable.

"Did I miss something?" Zayn asks, sitting down, Liam shrugs. "Yes, but you don't wanna know, non of you guys" Louis says grinning, that makes me laugh again and I almost fall off my chair.

"I'm really curious right now." Zayn laughs. "You don't want to know what we did." Louis says really serious. "Okay, I don't ask further." He laughs.

"Shall we go out tonight?" Niall asks then. Liam shrugs. "Hm, I don't really feel like drinking..." Liam says. He fiddles with the sleeves of his jumper. "Ah, that's not a problem right? Then you can drive us" Louis says, Zayn wraps an arm around Liam. "It'll be fun Li" he says, Liam sights. "Okay then."


It's about 9pm. "Let's go!" Louis says excited. I get my car keys and we all get in the car. "One rule!" I say, looking in the mirror. "Don't drink too much and don't leave your drink." Everyone says some kind of okay.

We're just sitting in some kind of club, Louis and Niall are dancing and I haven't seen Harry for a while. Zayn is drinking by the bar, I don't understand it. Zayn never drinks this much.

I'm a bit worried about him, but I can't really think about it because Harry comes towards me. "Hi Liam, have you seen Louis?" He asks. I nod. I can see that he haven't got any drinks yet, because Harry gets drunk really easily. "On the dance floor." I say, pointing to him.

"Ah yeah" he walks towards Louis, they start talking and laughing. "Hello" I turn around and see Zayn, he's drunk. "Are you single?" I huff out a laugh. "Zayn, I'm your boyfriend, you idiot" Zayn looks confused, but laughs then. "Oh, god, sorry Liam, wow, I'm really drunk." I frown.

"It has only been half an hour. How are you this drunk already. "Dunno." He answers. He comes sit next to me. I see Harry walking to the bar, not much later he dances with a drink in his hand.

"I'll tell it at home, alright?" I nod. "Promise." "Promise." Zayn decides to sit next to me. He's pretty drunk, but I don't ind it. I begin to laugh when I look at Louis. He stands in the middle of a circle on the dance floor. He tries to do the splits, but fails.

A few hours later I'm getting pretty bored, Zayn is really really drunk and I'm begging for a normal adult conversation.

"Yoeh nuw zat ur amezayn." He says, really drunk. "You always hate it when we say 'amazayn' why are you doing it now yourself?" "I ljove itj." "C'mon Zayn." I say laughing. All of a sudden he begins to cry. Mood swings, amazing.

"Hey, Zaynie What's wrong?" I ask. "I'm not happy" he says. "Wait what do you mean?" "I feel like cr-crap." "That's because you're drunk babe." "No, you don't get it, I always feel like crap..."

"I really want to believe you, but you're drunk so I can't." I say. Zayn just ignores me and says to me why he always feels like crap.

After the rambling Zayn's voice sounds softer. "I stopped again Li" he says, I look confused. "What do you mean?" "I stopped eating again..." It's silent. "What- Zayn? I- God... we're going home okay?" Zayn looks at me and nods. I stand up and walk to the boys on the dance floor. "We're going home" Niall, who isn't as drunk as Harry and Louis, nods.

-856 words-


Our conversation:
Britt: What are we gonna put in the next chapter?
Jorieke: hmm.. they're going to the club!
Britt: yes! Okay, there needs to be drama
Jorieke: okay, let me think.. Louis and Niall are gonna go wild on the dance floor.
Britt: we also need someone to ride them back home
Jorieke: Liam!
Britt: yes!
Jorieke: someone needs to be drugged
Britt: yes, that's gonna be Harry
Britt: and Zayn is gonna get that drunk that he'll ask Liam if he's single even though they're already together
Jorieke: yes!


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