Chapter 8

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Harry walk away. "What are we gonna do now?" Niall asks. "This." Louis says, and he jumps on Niall's back. "Oh you're gonna regret that!" He says, and he begins to tickle Louis. Zayn and I laugh. Louis and Niall are having a tickle fight when Simon walks in. "You know what I told you, Louis." He says with a mad face.

We're all immediately silent. I notice Zayn wants to say something so I place my hand gentle over his mouth. "Don't, we only get more problems" I whisper in his ear.


We're back at home, and we're sitting at the dinner table. "We need to make a plan." Harry says. "Because he is being for real." We all nod. "I do have an idea, but you guys need to help." Louis says grinning. Then he begins to talk. "I'm gonna be the saddest one in here, and Zayn, you know how they told you to be more in the background? Now you're making jokes and laugh."

"Niall is gonna be more silent too, and Zayn and Liam take the lead, Harry's just being his self because that always turns out good" Louis winks at me and I feel I start to blush. "So, we're gonna do all the opposite of what we're normally do?" Zayn asks. "Exactly, and when someone asks why we changed this much, we say the management wanted a me to leave, I think I can cry on cue" Louis says smirking.

"Amazing!" We all say. "And by the way, not only on stage, or in interviews. Just whenever we're outside when camera's can find us." Louis says. "When does it start?" Niall asks. "What about now?" Louis answers. Me and Zayn inmeadiatly begin to scream: "whoooooo!!" "Exactly, that's what I want!" Louis says laughing. "Be serious, Lou!" Harry says.

We all laugh for a moment. "Okay, I think this's the best idea you've ever had Lou" I say grinning. "Learned from the best ones" he says. "Alright, I have one thing to ask" Niall starts, I nod and drink some water out of my glass, before I'm finished Niall says: "Is Ziam true?" I accidentally spit out my water over Louis. "Thanks mate" he says laughing. "Sorry!" "No, it's not true" Zayn says.

Niall looks suspisously at us. "I don't believe you,I'm always right." He says while doing a failed hair flip.

"Your hair's too short for that, mine's long enough HA" says Harry doing a good hair flip. "No, seriously, we're not a thing" I say then. "Hm, yeah, if you say so" Niall says grinning. "Guys stop" Zayn laughs.


It's the next day, we have a show within an hour we're in our roles and we have had a few side eyes from the management. "They don't know what's happening." Louis whispers in my ear.

I laugh short, Zayn grabs a rose a fan trowed on the podium and walks towards me, he gives it to me and I feel I start to blush, Zayn winks short at me and walks away again.

I see Niall wants to scream to us, but then Harry reminds him again what we're doing. It's sad that Louis and I don't have a water fight, wich is always really fun. I walk towards Louis and ask him if I can start one with Zayn and he nods. I get a water bottle and throw it over Zayn, first he looks mad at me, but then laughs and throws one over me to.

Before I know it we're both soaking wet. I laugh very hard. Then we start to sing You and I, Louis signs sneaky at me that he's gonna try to cry, I smile and nod.

The show is done and eight people of the management come towards us. "This isn't what in contracts is. Zayn is needs to be a bit towards himself not running over the podium like crazy! And Louis and Niall, sitting there I; the corner and Louis even crying. What is happening?!" One of them asks.

"Dunno, ask Simon" I say, and we all walk away before they can say something different. When we walk to the car we're still in our roles. Zayn and I are chatting like crazy with Harry while Niall and Louis walk in front of us, looking sad and don't say much. When we're in the car Paul greets us. "Hi" we all start to laugh then. "Okay, tell me, what did you guys do this time" he says grinning. We can tell Paul, he's the only nice one, he isn't gonna say anything to Simon.

-773 words-

LET THE WEEKEND OF THE YEAR BEGIN. (it's tomorrow, but idrc)
First tomorrow, Friday Love Like This. Can't wait
Then Saturday last day of LOT imma cry my eyes out while watching
And Sunday 13th anniversary of 1d, and the first one I have bc I'm in the fandom for almost 7 months:)

Well, have a nice weekend. I won't be paying for your therapy

Love ya xxx

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