The Dementor's Chill

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The cacophony of King's Cross Station on the morning of September 1st was familiar yet always filled with an electric sense of anticipation. Bellarose and Ginny, their trolleys laden with trunks, navigated the throngs of families with a practiced ease born from years of this annual ritual. Just as they reached the barrier to Platform 9¾, Bellarose felt a gentle tap on her shoulder, turning to Nymphadora, her vibrant hair today a soothing shade of sky blue, smiling broadly at her.

Nymphadora, her eyes twinkling with mischief and warmth, handed Bellarose a long, slender case, its surface adorned with intricate runes that shimmered faintly.

Nymphadora: "For you. A little something to help with the upcoming season."

Her voice a blend of excitement and secrecy.

Bellarose, taken aback by the unexpected gift, could only manage a surprised

Bellarose: "But—"

Nymphadora cut her off with a laugh.

Nymphadora "No buts. Open it once you're settled. And i'm cheering for you."

With a final squeeze, Bellarose stepped back, the case in her hands feeling like a tangible connection to her family as she prepared to cross into the magical world of Platform 9¾.

Andromeda, joining Nymphadora, enveloped Bellarose in a warm embrace, her voice soft yet firm.

Andromeda: "Take care of yourself, Bellarose. Remember, you're stronger than you think."

Ted clapped a hand on her back, his voice steady and proud.

Ted: "Make us proud, Bellarose. Not that you haven't already."

With a final squeeze, Bellarose stepped back, her heart full.

Bellarose: "I will. Thank you for everything," she promised, her voice thick with emotion.

Ginny, meanwhile, shared a round of hugs with her family. Molly Weasley's last-minute reminders and Arthur's fascinated questions about the Muggle trains around them filled their goodbye.

Molly "Behave, Ginny, and look after each other"

Molly said, pulling her daughter into a tight embrace.

Ginny: "We will, Mum. See you at Christmas"

Ginny replied, her voice muffled against her mother's shoulder.

After sharing a round of heartfelt goodbyes with the Weasleys, Bellarose and Ginny boarded the train, the mysterious case now a source of curiosity and excitement. Finding Luna already in a compartment, her dreamy gaze brightening at their arrival, Bellarose felt a surge of affection for her friends.

Luna: "Thought you'd never get her. I've saved us the best spots."

Settling into the journey, the train's whistle signaled their departure. Bellarose leaned out for one last wave, the case beside her a silent promise of Nymphadora's faith in her abilities. As the train pulled away, leaving behind the platform and her family, Bellarose felt a mix of anticipation and determination.

Just as the train began to move, Anthony slid the compartment door open, his arrival perfectly timed.

Anthony: "Another year, huh?"

He remarked with a smirk on his face, bringing a smile to Bellarose's face.

Bellarose: "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

She responded, her spirits lifted by the presence of her friends and the intriguing gift from Nymphadora.

Bellarose: "Ginny, Luna, this is Anthony."

She began, her voice brimming with pride.

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