A Quidditch Chat

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After finishing their shopping at "Fleury et Bott," the Tonks family and the Weasleys were now on Diagon Alley, continuing their stroll to the next shops. As they walked, they passed by the broomstick shop, a window filled with all kinds of magical brooms, including the latest models.

Harry, Ron, Bellarose, and Ginny, all of whom were Quidditch enthusiasts, stopped in front of the window to admire the new brooms. The recent release of the Nimbus 2001 had generated a lot of excitement among Quidditch players, and they were curious to see the latest models

Harry gazed at the brooms with a gleam in his eye, recalling the day he received his first broom, the Nimbus 2000. He turned to Ron with a smile.

Harry: "The Nimbus 2001, Ron, can you imagine what that broom could do on the field?"

Ron's eyes were fixed on the Nimbus 2001, dreaming of flying at top speed on it.

Ron: "It would be amazing, Harry."

Ginny, who shared their enthusiasm for Quidditch, smiled at Bellarose.

Ginny: "And how about you, Bellarose? Do you like Quidditch?"

Bellarose nodded, her face lighting up at the mention of Quidditch.

Bellarose: "Yes, I'm a Beater for the Hufflepuff team. It's really exciting. I can't wait for the next match."

Ginny smiled widely, somewhat surprised and impressed.

Ginny: "Really? A Beater for Hufflepuff, that's great!"

Harry, who had already played against Bellarose, chimed in with a smile.

Harry: "She's talented, Ginny. She has good aim with the bat and excellent responsiveness in the air."

Ron, still passionate about Quidditch, nodded in agreement.

Ron: "Yes, that's true. But Fred and George have the best synchronization as Beaters, but don't tell them I said that."

Bellarose agreed, showing her agreement with Ron.

Bellarose: "It's true, Fred and George are amazing as Beaters. I really admire their talent."

As Bellarose and Ron discussed the Weasley twins as Beaters, Fred and George suddenly appeared with mischievous smiles, drawn to the lively conversation.

Fred: "Heard our names mentioned, did you?"

George: "Were we talking about our prowess as Beaters, Ronny boy?"

Ron blushed slightly under the sudden attention from the twins.

Ron: "I already regret saying it."

Bellarose, also blushing, quickly intervened to smooth things over.

Bellarose: "Yes, you're really impressive."

Ginny, seeing Bellarose blush, decided to put on a stern look.

Ginny: "Don't feed their ego, and you two had better stop now before I go tell Mum. You know how she can be."

Fred and George exchanged knowing glances and backed off, laughing with their hands in the air.

Fred: "Alright, alright, no problem, Ginny."

George: "We were just joking. No need to report everything."

Their parents, who had continued walking a bit further, turned around and called to the children.

Arthur: "Come on, hurry up, kids. We don't want to lose you in the crowd."

Ted: "Yes, let's go, everyone."

As they followed their parents, Ginny asked an interesting question.

Ginny: "Tell me, who's the player who impressed you the most at Hogwarts?"

She looked at them with curiosity, waiting to hear their answers. Harry thought for a moment, then smiled as he answered Ginny's question.

Harry: "Well, for me, there's no one better than Oliver Wood as the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He is so passionate and determined; it's contagious."

Ron nodded in agreement.

Ron: "Yes, Oliver is great, and as for players, I'd say Harry really impressed me. Catching the Golden Snitch in your first year is incredible."

Harry humbly smiled. Hermione, even though she wasn't a Quidditch fan, added her opinion.

Hermione: "I think, even though her beginnings were chaotic, Bellarose is quite amazing as a Beater."

Bellarose blushed slightly, flattered by Hermione's compliment. Ginny, curious, then asked:

Ginny: "And you, Bellarose, who's the player who impressed you the most at Hogwarts?"

Bellarose thought for a moment about Ginny's question. The first name that came to her mind was Pansy Parkinson, which irritated her slightly due to their tumultuous relationship. She sighed and finally answered.

Bellarose: "Well, I'd say... Pansy Parkinson."

The trio were slightly surprised by her answer, but they could understand why she had chosen her. Pansy, no matter how insufferable she was, was indeed a talented player and had scored against Oliver Wood,  several times, which was an impressive feat.

Harry: "Pansy Parkinson, huh? It's true she is formidable player we have to admit she is skilled."

Ron, although not particularly fond of Pansy Parkinson, nodded in agreement.

Ron: "Yeah, I agree and strangely for a Slytherin she doesn't do any underhand move."

Hermione, who had been curious if she would mention Cedric Diggory, was a bit surprised by Bellarose's response.

Hermione: "Pansy Parkinson, really? I thought you might say Cedric Diggory, considering you're on the same team."

Bellarose shrugged.

Bellarose: "Cedric is great and talented, of course, but he has more experience, and Pansy is a from our first year, and it's always a challenge to play against her, even if sometimes I feel like hitting her with my bat."

The children continued to discuss Quidditch as they followed their parents along Diagon Alley.

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