Transfiguration Teaching

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Bellarose was in the Hogwarts library, helping Luna  with a lesson on transfiguration. Luna was struggling to grasp some concepts, but Bellarose was patient and determined to help her succeed.

Bellarose: "Alright, Luna let's see if I can explain this to you in a different way. Generally, when I want to learn how to change an object, I start by imagining the process in which I want to transform it. For example, when I first learned to transform a matchstick into a needle, i wanted to change it all at once, obviously i failed. I remember Pansy mocking eye as tried."

There was a bit a irritation in her voice at then end when she mentioned Pansy.

 Bellarose: " On my second attempt i managed to change the material witch gave me the idea to do it by step. Then on my third attempt I changed the needle's shape. When I succeeded in doing each step independently, i try to do it all together like it suppose to be. Of course, the more complex the spell, the more I break it down into different steps."

Luna nodded slowly, seeming to grasp the concept a bit better thanks to the logic behind it. They were deeply focused on their work when Bellarose noticed something strange. Ginny, who was supposed to join them for studying, was running late.

Bellarose :  "Have you seen Ginny today? She was supposed to meet us here for studying, but she's late."

Luna shrugged, to focus on her lesson

Luna : "I'm sure she'll be here soon. Maybe she had some things to do or maybe she is. . ."

However, after a while, the noises in the library began to catch their attention. Worried whispers spread among the students, and some appeared agitated.

Bellarose: "did you hear that?"

Luna: "Yes, it sounds strange. What's going on?"

As the noises persisted, the two girls decided to leave their study table to investigate. They approached a group of students who seemed particularly agitated and anxious.

Unknown Student: "It seems the Chamber of Secrets has been opened!"

The words "Chamber of Secrets" made Bellarose shiver, as if it evoked something distant, but she couldn't recall where she had heard of it. She exchanged a concerned look with Luna, wondering what it truly meant. Before she could delve deeper into her thoughts, Luna interrupted her with worry.

Luna: "We must find Ginny. She's late, and with this story about the Chamber of Secrets i'm a little worried."

Bellarose nodded in agreement, and they decided to leave the library to search for Ginny. The hallways seemed darker and more ominous than usual, with sinister whispers circulating among the students.

They quickly navigated the corridors in search of their friend. Eventually, they spotted Ginny wandering alone, looking disoriented and troubled.

Bellarose: "Ginny, is everything alright?"

Ginny jumped at the sound of her name and turned to Bellarose and Luna.

Ginny: "Oh, girls, I'm fine. I was about to come to the library, and then I heard strange noises... I thought I should check it out."

Bellarose: "It seems something serious is happening. Rumors are circulating about the reopening of the Chamber of Secrets."

Ginny nodded, and they all headed to the Great Hall together. Bellarose, noticing that Ginny was still somewhat distant, suggested an idea to take their minds off things.

Bellarose: "After dinner, if you're okay with bending the rules a bit, I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine but she's in the Forbidden Forest."

Luna looked at Bellarose curiously when she mentioned the idea of showing a friend in the Forbidden Forest, remembering their discussion on the train.

Luna: "A friend in the Forbidden Forest? I'm up for the adventure."

However, Ginny still seemed preoccupied with recent events concerning the Chamber of Secrets. She hesitated for a moment before responding.

Ginny: "I don't know, Bellarose. With everything going on, is it really a good idea to go into the Forbidden Forest?"

Bellarose smiled and tried to reassure Ginny.

Bellarose: "I understand your concerns, Ginny, but sometimes, it's good to take a step back from all this. The Forbidden Forest can be a peaceful place if you know where to go, and this particular friend is truly special. Plus, if we get caught, I can always use my last name,  to take the blame."

This remark brought a smile to Ginny's face despite her concerns.

Ginny: "Alright, Bellarose, I'll come with you. Maybe it'll take my mind off things."

Bellarose nodded with a grateful smile, glad that Ginny was joining the adventure.


The sun was beginning to set as Bellarose, Luna, and Ginny made their way into the Forbidden Forest. The dark trees and ominous shadows seemed to come alive with the nightfall, creating a mysterious and captivating atmosphere.

As they reached the forest's edge, they encountered Hagrid, who stood at the forest's border. Luna and Ginny were momentarily afraid of getting into trouble.

Hagrid: "Well, girls, what are you doing here? Curfew's coming up, you know."

Bellarose had a mischievous smile.

Bellarose: "We're visiting a friend, Hagrid. Don't worry, we'll be back in time."

Hagrid nodded, seeming to understand, and sighed.

Hagrid: "Since it's you, and Dumbledore knows about your friend, it's okay, but be careful, don't go too deep into the forest, and make sure to return on time."

Bellarose nodded and continued on the path, holding the hands of the two girls. After a few minutes, they arrived at her usual spot. She took out her wand and let a bit of magic flow, keeping Luna and Ginny in the dark about what was happening. After a moment, a magnificent unicorn arrived, bearing a scar on its neck.

Bellarose approached the beautiful unicorn. She then turned to Luna and Ginny, motioning for them to approach cautiously.

Bellarose: "My friends, I'd like you to meet my friend Magnolia. Don't worry she doesn't bite, she's gentle and sensitive, so take your time and let her come to you."

She then turned to the unicorn and whispered.

Bellarose: "These are my friends Luna and Ginny. Would you like to be friends with them too?"

The unicorn, majestic and graceful, slowly approached Luna. Luna, with her natural calmness, gently extended her hand and stroked the creature's silky mane. The unicorn seemed to enjoy the contact and allowed itself to be petted, its eyes expressing gentle benevolence.

When the unicorn turned toward Ginny, it paused for a moment, examining her, unsure of what to think. On one hand, it could sense the pure-hearted girl in front of her, but there was a familiar malevolent aura enveloping her. Ginny felt slightly nervous under the creature's intense gaze but did her best to remain calm. After a brief moment, the unicorn decided to continue its approach towards Ginny.

As the unicorn gently touched Ginny, she felt a strange sensation of lightness. It was as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, and her worries and concerns evaporated. She smiled and ran her hand over the unicorn's soft fur.

Bellarose took a deep breath, realizing she had been holding her breath throughout the scene. She was happy that her friends had been able to share this special moment. After a while, Luna reminded everyone about curfew, and after bidding their farewells, they returned to Hogwarts.

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