From Hogwarts to Home

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A few days after their friendly duel, the atmosphere at Hogwarts had shifted dramatically. The students were buzzing with excitement as the results of the House Cup were announced.Gryffindor had once again emerged as the winner thanks to the golden trio, with Ravenclaw coming in a close second to everyone's surprise . However, what had taken everyone by shock was the fact that Slytherin and Hufflepuff had tied for last place, both earning the same number of points.

Amid the celebratory mood, Bellarose couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. She had made up her mind about the adoption situation and wanted to find Nymphadora to share her decision. As she roamed the bustling halls of Hogwarts, she finally spotted her cousin engaged in a heated argument with Lucius Malfoy in a dimly lit corridor.

Their voices grew louder as Bellarose approached, trying to understand the nature of their dispute.

Lucius: "You and you family have no right to interfere in our family matters, Nymphadora. This is a Malfoy affair, and it should stay that way."

Nymphadora, her fiery hair standing out even more against her furious expression, retorted.

Nymphadora  "It's not just a Malfoy affair when it concerns Bellarose's future and well-being. You've kept us and her in the dark for far too long."

Bellarose hesitated for a moment, not wanting to intrude on their argument, but she knew she couldn't wait any longer. She stepped forward, her presence immediately noticed by both Nymphadora and Lucius.

Nymphadora: "Bell, you're here."

Lucius, on the other hand, appeared displeased by Bellarose's interruption. He folded his arms and regarded her with a cold stare.

Lucius: "What do you want, Bellarose?"

Bellarose took a deep breath, feeling a surge of determination. She needed to speak her mind.

Bellarose: "I've made my decision, Nymph. I want to go through the adoption process with the Tonks family"

Nymphadora's face lit up with a mixture of relief and pride. She stepped closer to Bellarose and placed a supportive hand on her shoulder, Lucius, was fuming with anger when she heard Bellarose.

Lucius : ""You ungrateful girl! You think you can just waltz in here and choose another family? The Malfoys have protected you, provided for you, and this is how you repay us?""

Bellarose looked at Lucius with a steely resolve, her voice unwavering.

Bellarose: "Lucius, it's not about repaying anyone. It's about my own happiness and where I truly belong. I won't let fear and manipulation dictate my life any longer. I always felt like an outcast, each time Draco made a mistake the blame was put on me some way.  The only reason you took me in is because your afraid of Bellatrix not out of duty or love."

Nymphadora Tonks stood firmly by Bellarose's side, her expression unwavering. She spoke up in support of her cousin, her voice strong and steady.

Nymphadora: "Bellarose is making a choice for her own future, Lucius. She deserves to be in a loving family that values her for who she is, not as some pawn in your twisted games."

Lucius seethed with anger, unable to accept Bellarose's decision. He muttered a menacing threat under his breath.

Lucius: "You'll regret this stupid girl. The consequences of your choice will come back to haunt you."

With that, Lucius turned and stormed away, leaving Bellarose and Nymphadora behind. Bellarose felt a mix of emotions, but she knew deep down that she had made the right decision. She was determined to forge her own path, away from the oppressive influence of the Malfoy family. Nymphadora continued to stand by her side, offering her unwavering support as they faced the uncertain future together

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