Chapter 33: Back to the Drawing Board!

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Later, back at the Time Force Headquarters, Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny had to think of a plan to rescue Edith and Agnes from Robert Callaghan's totalitarian grip right away. They started thinking, but they didn't speak up at all. But nonetheless, they kept on thinking about what they needed to do to rescue Margo's younger sisters and return them to Gru and Lucy.

"Margo's log," said Margo. "Edith and Agnes have been kidnapped by Robert Callaghan while we have been cast adrift for what it seems like days. Antonio and I are holding hands as lovingly as we could. And Sherman and Penny are trying to hold each other as tightly as they could. This may be my final entry level of living in New York City. We have no signs of fresh air, water, or land in sight." Just then, a cork hit Margo on the forehead. "Ow!" exclaimed Margo.

The Underdogs and the Four Townies were enjoying their salmon and buttered biscuits with tea in the dormitory's dining room. "Salmon, delicious," said Mei Lee. "I've never been more hydrated than ever before in my life," said Luca. "Let me cut you a piece of the salmon, it's the most delicious thing on the planet," Mei told him. "No, I'm full, just let us get this stuff in the fridge," said Luca. Then, the Time Force came up to them. And Sherman said, "You know, we're all in the same boat here." "Actually, we're not," corrected Mei. "And you could express over the concern that you interfered with our investigation!" Mei was cross.

"We told you that you should've left this to the professionals," added Giulia. But then, something strange happened after the Time Force, the Underdogs, and the Four Townies got to the Central Park in New York City. Robert Callaghan showed up, about to annoy the Time Force, the Underdogs, and the Four Townies when he got there. "Hahaha!" he laughed out loud. "Sherman, it's him!" Margo cried out. "That stupid old villain!" Sherman snapped at the evil scientist.

Then, Robert Callaghan held Edith and Agnes hostage in his twin cages, in both of his hands. Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny were furious! They had to think of a plan to take down the villain and rescue Margo's younger sisters without Robert Callaghan even knowing it. At last, Classified, Short Fuse, Corporal, and Eva showed up to see what was going on. "Knock-knock," said Classified. "Who's there?" Robert Callaghan asked. "The North Wind," answered Classified. "The North Wind who?" Robert Callaghan asked again. "The North Wind who doesn't have time for knock-knock jokes, because we're too busy taking down Robert Callaghan," answered Classified. "We came just in time for the way to get to Robert Callaghan's mansion." As the North Wind members were trying to take down Robert Callaghan, their attacks failed one by one, and then the Time Force members went berserk on the villain. But, Robert Callaghan got away.

The sun was setting across the city, and the North Wind members didn't know what to do. "Eva, how long until we defeat Robert Callaghan?" asked Antonio. "We only have until the moon grows to its normal state," answered Eva. "We need a plan to stop the villain before it's too late." So, Margo sketched out Robert Callaghan's mansion, saying, "Here's Robert Callaghan's mansion. And these two young, helpless, vulnerable rocks are Edith and Agnes. And here's Robert Callaghan." Then, Antonio and Sherman got out a test dummy that resembled Robert Callaghan and displayed it for the North Wind to see. "That's a big test dummy you got here, humans," Corporal said. "You got a point there, big fella," said Margo. "We're using the test dummy as Robert Callaghan. While you four blowhards divert the robots, we strike fast and strike hard!" And Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny started slapping the test dummy as fast as they could.

"Come on, guys!" said Sherman. "That's it, Margo. Come on! Keep slapping the test dummy!" Then, Corporal knocked the test dummy down with one punch with all his strength. "Now THAT'S what I'm talking about, big fella!" Margo said. "With Edith and Agnes freshly liberated, we celebrate with a well-earned high-five and cremate Robert Callaghan's deceased remains. Any questions?" Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny started high-fiving each other until Margo's butt got slapped by Sherman. "Whoa, hey now!" said Margo, rubbing her butt. "Wow, I mean truly impressive," said Classified, clapping his paws slowly. "Especially the bit you slapped the fruit? Oh! Corporal, dim the lights. Short Fuse, glasses." And Corporal put out the campfire while Short Fuse gave the Time Force members each pair of 3D glasses. "Oooh," said Sherman. "Nice," said Margo.

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