Chapter 19: A New Plan

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It was long into the evening when the Time Force reached Robert Callaghan's island mansion, which was guarded by four robots. They didn't notice till too early that they had found the robots guarding the sealed entrance to the mansion. Then, suddenly, and without a warning, the Time Force members reached the entrance to the mansion, and the four robots stood there, refusing to let the Time Force members in. Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny were furious!

"Stop that noise!" bellowed Mr. Peabody as he reached the mansion. "They won't let us in!" hissed Antonio. "Margo, explain this situation," said Mr. Peabody. At last, Margo spoke to him. "We're getting angry, because the robots won't let us in this mansion," she said. "They are guarding the entrance, but we need to think of a better way to trick those robots into getting stunned within 10 feet, leaving them dazed and confused for weeks." "But begging your pardon, Mr. Peabody," added Sherman, "We would need to inform the North Wind that we need a spy gadget that would stun these four robots without hesitation on the way." "There's no way we would get in that mansion without tricking them first," added Penny. Now, to make the Time Force even more cross, the robots didn't let them in the mansion at all, by blocking the entrance to the mansion.

Just then, Sherman pulled out a sticky stun-bun from his pocket, and he tossed towards the giant robots guarding the entrance to the mansion. The stun-bun went off, stunning the four robot guards within 10 feet, leaving them dazed and confused for weeks. Then, Penny used her lasers to destroy the entrance to the mansion, by blasting the doors to pieces with her laser beams. At last, all the Time Force members were finally able to get inside the mansion so that they would start exploring the mansion right away. They were looking forward to playing tricks on Robert Callaghan since they got inside the mansion already once.

Creeping into the mansion, they were finally in position as soon as they got inside of it. Now, to start the mission with a new plan, the Time Force heard the ground shaking a lot, and the doors sealed the entrance to Robert Callaghan's mansion, trapping Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny inside! The Time Force members were trapped inside of the giant mansion, and they didn't know what to do! They were startled to find that they were surrounded by some robots.

"Alright, guys, battle stance!" said Margo. So, Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny took their battle stances right away. Then, Sherman said, "Okay, we're in battle stance, Margo." The Time Force got ready to strike against the robots approaching them in one shot with the power of four. "Now, we spring our traps," Margo said, once again trying to get everything on schedule. The Time Force members were ready to spring their trap right away. "How do we spring our trap?" asked Margo. "If the robots are about to get us," began Sherman, "you just pull down that lever." "This one?" asked Penny, pointing at the lever. "Yes," said Sherman. And so, Penny pulled down the lever, causing the robots to fall down into a hole, trapping them in a chamber full of lava. SPROING! The robots fell into a hole, trapping them into the lava, burning them down again.

Penny pulled the lever back up, and the ground went back to its proper position. Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny took advantage of springing the trap when they got inside the mansion right away and they were able to get on with infiltrating the mansion. "So much for infiltrating the mansion...they'd definitely know we're here," said Margo. "You're on the right track, Margo. Hardly built for stealth," agreed Sherman. So, the Time Force found a secret door to the next room of the mansion right away.

Later, Margo saw Sherman at the area where the robots were being built in. "I'm sorry I underestimated you, Sherman," said Margo. "You go first." "Thanks, Margo, it feels good to be friends," said Sherman. "But how do we secure ourselves into that giant vault?" "You'll see," grinned Margo. That night, the Time Force members found the vault inside the basement of Robert Callaghan's mansion. They cracked the code with the cheese-and-safe-cracker kit, finally getting into the giant vault of the world. They secured themselves inside the vault, with the door locking them in as tightly as they could. Then, they kept their friendship to each other as close as they could without hesitation. Thanks to the Time Force members being together again, they hoped they would not get seen.

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