Chaptet 25: Return of the North Wind

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One night, Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny were relaxing on the couch together, feeling their hearts pounding faster as they sat on the couch, looking very miserable. They wished by now that they hadn't been so silly like the last time. The four of them were feeling tears going down their eyes and they started to feel very sorry for themselves. At last, Classified, Short Fuse, Corporal, and Eva — the North Wind members — all came to see them.

"What's the matter?" Classified wanted to know. "You're all slowing down." "There's pins and needles in our legs," said Margo. "It's caused by allowing our feet to fall asleep at once." Eva chuckled. "I find it hard to believe so that it would give us an idea on how to deal with it." The North Wind was indicating their secret plan to save the world once again when they informed the Time Force members about the situation that Robert Callaghan was up to something dangerous.

Then, Classified spoke to the Time Force members. "What we need to do is think of a way to get the moon back into its rightful place in the sky," he said. "Without hesitation, we need to make sure we don't cause confusion or delay while saving the world." And of course, Classified was on the right track.

Next morning, Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny woke up to find nothing had changed. Classified, Short Fuse, Corporal, and Eva were still boasting about it. "Mr. Peabody won't choose you again," boasted Corporal. "He wants professional crime-fighters like us to capture the master criminals." But Mr. Peabody felt sorry for the Time Force members. "Would you four like to come out today?" "Oh, yes, please," the four humans said. So, Mr. Peabody got the Time Force jet ready and they were ready to take flight in the moment. The North Wind members were cross about being left behind.

Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny went flying in their jet and they were flying around New York City while searching for Robert Callaghan and his army of robots in the battling area. On the way, they met Elsa and Anna, who were with Rapunzel. "Really reliable, that's us!" boasted Sherman. "Pity the same can't be said for the North Wind. Goodbye!" And the Time Force members flew off. "What was all that about?" gasped Elsa and Anna. "That was trouble, trouble for the Time Force members. Wait and see," said Rapunzel. The Time Force members kept flying in the Time Force jet without hesitation, and the four humans flew off until they got tired that night. "We're going out again tomorrow," Margo told the North Wind members that night. "What do you think of that?" But she didn't get a single answer, for she and her teammates were so tired and happy that they fell asleep at once.

Next morning, Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny woke up to find nothing had changed. Classified was still boasting "You watch me, little humans, as I rush through with the North Wind jet," he said. "That would be a lovely sight for you to see. Goodbye, little humans. Look out for me this afternoon." Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny went off to do some shunting. They liked shunting. It was fun to play with minecarts and easier to give them a push. The Time Force members started shunting minecarts and they were making sure the minecarts would go bumping into each other. "Oh!" they cried. "Whatever is happening?!" Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny shunted until there were no more minecarts to be seen.

After a while of shunting, Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny went back to the Time Force Headquarters for a debriefing. Just then, they heard a familiar running sound of footsteps. Classified was cross. Instead of a nice, shining North Wind jet, he was carrying a dirty freight train. "A freight train, a freight train, a freight train," he grumbled. "The shame of it, the shame of it, oh, the shame of it!" Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny laughed and went off to find some more minecarts. At last, they reached Classified's hill. They found Classified halfway up and very cross.

"You're not trying, boss," complained Short Fuse. "I can't do it," testified Classified. "These freight cars are being troublesome to me all the time." "There has to be a way to get the minecarts all the way up the hill, boss," Short Fuse said, sternly. "The North Wind is counting on you." And he was right. Classified needed to be counted on and even for so long, he needed to be really useful after all.

They backed the minecarts down safely and Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny were coupled to the minecarts. "We're ready," said Margo. "No good," grumbled Classified. They pulled and pushed as hard as they could. The North Wind was struggling up the hill, but the Time Force members were doing well with the help from themselves. At last, they were heaving and heaving so much, they almost lost patience. But they were able to get the minecarts up to the top of the hill in time! "Woohoo! We made it!" shouted the Time Force members. "Thank you," grunted Classified. "Nicely done," agreed Corporal. They were glad the Time Force helped them up to the top of the hill.

Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny were resting in the living quarters when Edith and Agnes bustled in. "Peep, peep!" they whistled, then the Time Force members saw Mr. Peabody. "Oh dear! What will he say?" Sherman asked the others. But Mr. Peabody was smiling. "I was on the North Wind's train, and I saw everything. You made sure that the North Wind needed your help to carrying the heavy loads. After that performance, you deserve to keep your agency badges."

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