Chapter 24: Building the Rocket

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It was long into the evening when the Time Force members reached their workshop in the Time Force Headquarters. "Now then," said Margo. "How do we build that rocket we need to get the moon in time?" "We have to follow the blueprints to building it so we can fly up into space and use the shrink-ray on it. That way, when we shrink the moon, we will grab it in time and do whatever it takes to get the moon back in the sky," said Sherman. And he was right.

And so, Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny had to contact Elsa and Anna about their plan on their television screen. When they got to the living quarters of the Time Force Headquarters, they had the shrink-ray with them and Sherman turned on the television to call Elsa and Anna. "Sorry to bother you, Miss Elsa and Miss Anna," he said. "But I figured that you two would want to see THIS!" And Sherman showed Elsa and Anna the shrink-ray. "Well done, Sherman," said Elsa. "Rather impressive." "Now, the rest of the plan is simple," said Sherman. "I fly to the moon. I shrink the moon. I grab the moon. I think about what to do to get the moon back to its rightful place in the sky." "What would you do once the moon is stolen?" Anna asked, curious. "Well, I will do whatever it takes to put the moon back in the sky," answered Sherman. Elsa and Anna never thought about wanting to steal the moon from the sky when they get to it.

"But, on the last crazy side of things," said Margo, "Sherman discovered traces of the shrink-ray in the basement of Robert Callaghan's mansion." "Hmmm, interesting," said Elsa. "Yeah," said Margo. "And you know why that happened? This guy nailed it. Amazing, right?" "I think so," said Sherman. "Maybe you two could drop by and help us with building the rocket, and I assume Hiro and Baymax will help, too." "Oh, yes, Sherman," said Anna. "Thank you, Sherman." "So all we need to do is get all hands on deck so we can build the rocket," said Sherman. "Meet us here at 11:00 sharp." After the call ended, the Time Force dropped off to sleep in their bedrooms in the Time Force Headquarters.

Next morning, Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny woke up to find nothing had changed. They waited long enough for Elsa and Anna to get here, alongside Hiro and Baymax. After breakfast, they spent some time, thinking about their next part of the plan to saving the world. But none of them spoke up about it.

Finally, Sherman said, "I think we have enough money so we can build this rocket that will take us to the moon." "I think so, too," agreed Margo. "It will take all hands on deck so we can take on the way of stealing the moon right away." And she was right. At last, Elsa and Anna arrived on the scene, as did Hiro and Baymax. Then, along came Mr. Peabody, the talking dog in charge of all the Time Force members. The Time Force was getting ready to build the rocket just as Edith and Agnes had just arrived on time, as did the other members of Big Hero 6 as well.

"Alright, gang. Listen up!" said Mr. Peabody. "I'm here to get the rocket built so we can get the moon in time." Then, the crowd gasped in shock. Mr. Peabody was serious about the mission to getting the moon shrunken. "Once we build this rocket together as a team, we will get the moon and then they will notice that the moon will be ours!" he added, and the Time Force members waited for so long to get the moon in the rocket. "Without further ado, let's get started!"

And so, the building of the rocket got started right away. First, they built the giant barrel of the rocket with iron, copper, and gold, so that it would be in 50 coats of armor in time. The 50 layers were welded together to form the shell of the rocket ship. Second, they got the cone built out of stone and metal to get the rocket to be sealed up, and they even got the door to the rocket built in time. Third, they built the supports to keep the rocket steady enough so they would prepare for takeoff into deep, dark, outer space. Fourth, they made windows in the rocket, so that they would see the sky when they take flight in the rocket. Fifth, they built the fuel engine room to get a lot of fuel loaded into the space rocket. After all of the rocket had been built with a lot of money spent on getting the parts they needed, the Time Force members were very proud of the way the rocket looked.

"Now, let's fly to the moon, shrink it, grab it, and do whatever it takes to put it back in the sky," said Margo. "Got it!" agreed Antonio. "Sounds good," said Sherman. "I'm in!" added Penny. And so, the Time Force members put on their space suits and they grabbed the shrink-ray in time. Then, they got into the space rocket and when they were ready, the rocket took off into space. "Mission Control, we have liftoff!" said Mr. Peabody.

Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny weren't sure how long they were flying into space, but they hoped that they would get the moon in time. "This is it, guys," said Margo. "Don't hold back any longer." "We'll get the moon before they know it," said Antonio. "Let's give it all we got," said Sherman. "No worries," said Penny. And so, the four of them kept flying into space right at the nick of time, and they finally found the moon. It was time to shrink the moon down.

After shrinking the moon down to its smallest, the Time Fore members grabbed the moon in time and took it away. They did so...easily! After getting the moon in time, the Time Force members had to thin k about what they needed to do next. "Okay then," said Margo. "It's clear what we need to do next. We need to do whatever it takes to put the moon back in the sky." Sherman chuckled. "I don't get it..." he said. "All we need to do is think about how we need to get the moon back in its rightful place in the sky," Penny said, pointing out that stealing the moon would cost a lot of money. The Time Force didn't know what to do next.

So, Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny flew back to Earth with the moon in their hands. After heading back to Earth in time, they found Elsa and Anna, who were trying to get everything back on schedule again. Elsa and Anna were surprised to see the four Time Force members arriving at their spot in Arendelle.

"What are you doing here, agents?!" Anna said, surprised. "You should be with us by now." "I know," sighed Sherman. "The moon has been grabbed by us in the nick of time." "That's no excuse, Sherman!" Elsa said, angrily. "Nothing should stop us. Mr. Peabody relies on us to be on time. Now if you'll excuse us, we'll be on our way!" And Elsa and Anna walked importantly away. "Bossy guardians of Arendelle," muttered Sherman. "Don't worry, Sherman," Margo said, soothingly. "They'll get tired of it soon. Do they tell you to do things, Sherman?" "Yes, they do," answered Sherman. "Right," said Margo. "We'll soon stop that nonsense." She whispered something to him. "We'll do it later." And so, they did that.

After stopping the nonsense, Elsa and Anna felt shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny in their Time Force Agency uniforms. Elsa and Anna regained their composure and confessed to the agents. "Agents," said Elsa, "that moon has been stolen from the sky. Give up the moon to us, and then we will take it with us." "Alright, alright, we'll give the moon to the two of you," Sherman said, calmly. But he wasn't really sure what to think as he gave the moon to Elsa and Anna so they would keep it inside of Anna's dress.

Later, the Time Force members returned to Mr. Peabody's penthouse and told them about Elsa and Anna. "Elsa and Anna told us to give the moon to them so they would do something to put the moon back in the sky," said Penny. "Of course they did," said Mr. Peabody. "Princesses are important people, they need a lot of attention like me, in fact." And he was right. Elsa and Anna definitely needed a lot of attention like him. So, Margo, Antonio, Sherman, and Penny thought of a way to stay close together at all times. They returned to the Time Force Headquarters and relaxed on the couch that evening.

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