Ch.53 ~ Capturing The Prison Pt.2

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A/N: Okay so I know it's been a while.... And my excuse is stupid.... I simply didn't like the way I wrote that end of the last chapter... that's why I took time away cause it annoyed me and I couldn't stand looking at this book.... I mean I feel like I butchered Y/n a bit buuuuuuuuuut I've decided to add a slight change to her in this chapter which will in someway make the last chapter make more sense to me.

Oh also I'm conscious about how much this is dragging out so chapters are gonna become longer to maintain detail and speed things up....

Soooooooooo yeah anyway I'm back.... YAY!!!!!



As Daryl and I made our way back up to the camp with the moonlight lighting our way, the sweet and melodious sound of singing reached our ears, the country twang added to the lyrics caused a similar wave of emotions to flood over the people gathered around.

After being on the road for so long worrying about our safety and where our next meal would come from, vanished. Instead the peace and security this field brought us ignited tired happy smiles on everyone's faces because for once we weren't having to worry about anything jumping out on us in the middle of the night or where our food came from.... Well the food source could still prove to be a slight issue but we had a stream nearby that harboured fish.

It's just nice to be able to sit down around a campfire and forget the worries of the world and sing songs without being scared of attracting unwanted attention. Just like back before the world went to shit, tonight we regained some, if not a mere moment, of normality.

Though as I sat down next to Daryl using his shoulder as a head rest and listened to the country sisters singing their melody, I watched Rick treading his way in our direction and knew this moment was about to pass quicker than we all wanted it to.

I slowly sat up resting my elbows on my man spread knees as I fiddled with one my knives. I felt Daryl's stare on my side profile and spared him a glance before nudging my head towards Rick. He understood what I meant and why I had sat up so suddenly.

♪ I'll gently rise ♪

♪ and I'll softly call ♪

♪ good night and joy ♪

♪ be with you all ♪

♪ good night and joy ♪

♪ be with you all ♪

Maggie and Beth finished their songs shortly after Rick joined us around the fire. The man was sweating under the cool night air which was slowly getting hotter and hotter as each spring night passed and the summer vastly approached.

"Beautiful." Hersh compliments his daughters, one who sits shyly next to him after singing and the other who sits next Glenn. Maggie and Glenn had officially started dating during our months on the road much to no one's surprise given their not so subtle frolicking back on the farm. The two teenagers had obviously fancied each other since the moment they met.

"Better all turn in. I'll take watch over there. Got a big day tomorrow." Rich says cutting through the moment of silence which fell upon the group as the crickets chirped nearby and the fire crackled.

"What do you mean?" Glenn asked, his voice hushed.

"Look, I know we're all exhausted." Rick states looking around the group upon all our tired faces.

"This was a great win. But we've got to push just a little bit more. Most of the walkers are dressed as guards and prisoners. Looks like this place fell pretty early. It could mean the supplies may be intact." The man made some good points. It didn't take an idiot to observe how fast this place fell. Sure there were few walkers in civilian clothes but the majority were guards and prisoners.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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