Ch.19 ~ Church Bells

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A/N: Won't make this long just wanna say sorry for the wait had the worst time procrastinating on this chapter for like no reason... anyway enjoy my lovelies.

Y/n's POV

Our small group ventured farther into the woods as we followed the creek trying to pick up Sophia's trail again. Daryl, Rick and I were up front as we led the group using mine and Daryl's tracking skills to try and pick up on any small sign that may lead us towards Sophia.

Shane manned the back of the group for us while Glenn marked the middle even if he didn't have a gun. I didn't bother to worry as I knew Lori did.

We came along a pathway which opened into a small clearing of trees where a visible tent was set up among them. At some point I had loaded my bow with an arrow ready for any surprises. Daryl waved us all down as we peered out towards the tent.

"She could be in there." Shane whispered. I spared the man a glance, clicking my tongue at the response to the thought we were all having.

"There could be a whole bunch of things in there." Daryl then said as we started creeping forwards. It was only Daryl, Rick and I as we had told the others to hang back. We approached looking for any movement.

Shane of course marched himself over meaning the others were left practically defenceless if anything was to attack. I tugged his arm waving him back but he just pushed on past me.

I rolled my eyes and moved back to the front, Daryl turning to look at us. He told the two men to stop while he and I stepped forward. Placing his cross bow down Daryl pulled out a hunting knife as he approached the tent entrance.

We looked around the tent, Daryl was trying to see inside while I walked around to the right crouching down to look through the small tent window but something marked the material making it difficult to peer through.

Daryl checked the left after the entrance where we both met back in front of still hunched over. We shared a look having a silent conversation. His look asked if I could see anything to which I shook my head. I then nudged my head back in the group's direction, specifically to Carol then the tent. Shrugging Daryl looked over repeating my actions resulting in Rick ushering Carol over.

Rick told her the plan while Daryl and I shuffled our positions ready to jump anything that comes out making a groaning noise. Now on the left my hand hovered over the material of the tent's entrance while Daryl readied himself to attack.

"Sofia, sweetie? Are you in there? Sophia, it's mommy. Sophia, we're all here baby. It's mommy." Carol's voice rang out, calling out to her lost daughter which may not even be listening.

When no response came I shared a look with the others before wrapping my fingers around the zipper and pulling it back slowly. Once Rick and Shane stood by us I yanked it back only to instantly be hit by the smell of rotting flesh.

I looked away, unable to cover my nose as my hand still held onto my loaded bow and the other the tent flap. Daryl climbed in lurking towards the body that sat in a camping chair. I followed after him handing the flap to Rick though he dropped it as soon as I stepped in.

Daryl approached from the left, myself the right as we walked around the chair looking at the scene in front of us and trying to figure out what had happened. Coughing and Carols calling out to us was all that was heard outside.

We shared another silent look before Daryl reached to the hand which held the gun this man had used to blow his brains out. He hooked it in the band of his jeans before we both exited the tent finally able to breath the fresher air.

"It ain't her." He said upon his exit from the tent.

"Who's in there?" Lori asked.

"Some guy... did what Jenner said... Opted out." I explained carefully not wanting to stir up any more tension or drama for the group. Almost as soon as I stopped speaking, a chiming filled the air with the familiar sound of bells.

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