Ch.14 ~ The CDC Goes Boom Boom

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Y/n's POV

"What do you mean by nagging feeling?" Rick asks, walking up to me as I look up at the ceiling, he stops a few feet away and I look down through my lids.

Sighing I tilt my head down and suck on my lip scratching the back of my neck. I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen by the end of this hour. "Forget that for now, you guys need to get down to the basement and check the generators, see if there's any fuel tanks down there." I said pointing to Rick, Glenn, TDog and Shane.

"Wha- what do you mean forget it? Y/n do you know something?" Rick presses.

"Rick right now it best to pray my hunch is wrong and that there's fuel down in that basement. The rest of us should get our stuff ready to move out, just in case." I gave Rick a stern look telling him not to press for answers as he wouldn't like the outcome.

He nods and waves Shane, Glenn and TDog on to follow him through the building. Those left looked at me all with different expressions. I avoided eye contact as I walked past them and towards where we had stayed the night.

I entered my room packing my bag as quickly as possible, being sure that I had everything. Skylla stood beside me watching me with a stern look. 'Please be wrong.' I prayed in my head.

As I did the AC turned off, the sound of a fan spinning disappearing from the room. Looking up then at Skylla, I cursed under my breath grabbing my bag and throwing it on my shoulder. I had my guns holstered to the sides of the bag and my quiver and bow sticking out the top of it.

I marched over to the door and as I touched the handle the lights went out. I opened the door just as everyone else did all of them asking why the air and lights were out.

"What's going on? Why is everything turned off?" Daryl asked from his doorway, whisky bottle in hand. As Jenner walked past him he took it from the man.

"Energy use is being prioritised." He explained than took a sip from the bottle.

"Air and lights aren't a priority?" Dale questions.

Jenner continued walking and we all followed. I walked with my head down alongside Daryl. "It's not up to me. Zone 5 is shutting itself down." Jenner said.

"Hey what the hell does that mean? Hey, I'm talking to you." Daryl said pushing ahead of everyone and walking slightly behind Jenner. "What do you mean it's shutting itself down? How can a building do anything?"

"You'd be surprised?" Jenner bluntly replied. We walked into the main room with all the workstations right as Rick runs in.

"Jenner, what's happening?" He asks.

"The system is dropping all the non-essential uses of power. It's designed to keep the computers running to the last possible second. That started as we approached the half-hour mark. Right on schedule." He said as we walked up to the stations looking at the clock that showed we had 31 minutes till the decontamination.

Jenner takes another sip from the whiskey before handing it back to Daryl who snatched it away some of it spilling. He then turns back to look at Andrea before speaking. "It was the French."

"What?" She replied confused as to why he had said that to her.

"They were the last ones to hold out as far as I know. While our people were bolting out the doors and committing suicide in the hallways they stayed in the labs till the very end. They thought they were close to a solution."

"What happened?" Jacqui asks.

"Same thing that's happening here. No power grid. Ran out of juice. The world runs on fossil fuels. I mean how stupid is that?" Jenner then walked off to one the stations, Shane agitated, went to go after him but Rick held him back.

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