Ch.39 ~ Distractions

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A/n: Hi guys sorry for the wait, I was really trying to keep what I had written into one chapter but it ended up having to be split into two. So sorry for the wait.

Anyway please enjoy this chapter and the next one will be uploaded within the hour.


Y/n's POV

1 week later

It's been a week since Randal arrived on the farm and as was much to be expected, Shane never let up on expressing his thoughts about the kid. I've been down to visit three times. By visit I mean treat the boy while Hershel worked his farm.

Today Rick and Shane would drive him 18 miles out with a care package. I felt slightly bad for the boy. He seemed to me like he just tagged along with whoever he needed to to survive. And it just so happened the group he was with wasn't the right one. Still though I stood my ground with what I said a week ago.

'We'll heal him, send him on his way and that's about as much kindness as we can afford right now.'

Other things which happened during the week? Let's see;

Daryl and I have become a pretty good hunting duo. He's even letting me retrain to use a crossbow after I told him it was my brother's hunting weapon of choice and that it's how I got the scar on the side of my chin.

There was also this moment between us which I couldn't stop thinking about. It was the second day we went out together to get some squirrels and other herbs and stuff. He handed me his crossbow with an arrow pre-loaded.

He stood up behind me, my back against his chest, his face beside mine with his hot breath fanning my ears with every word he whispered as he guided my arms in aiming at a squirrel scurrying up a tree.

These actions were repeating in my head over and over again.

I couldn't forget his touch even though he's touched me before. It was just something about that moment. It felt so natural to be around him like we had time to just be there in that moment without worry about the new world we lived in.

I've never felt this way before, this feeling of blood rushing to my cheeks and my heart rate increasing slightly every time I see him. What the hell's happening to me? Why am I suddenly finding myself excited to see him? Was it what Maggie said last week? That she thought we were a thing? Had I let fantasy to that thought consume my very being? Whatever it is, I crave it more and more each day. It was a foreign feeling that I loved and wanted to feel every moment of everyday.

But even if that's what I was feeling I knew Daryl couldn't be feeling the same I mean we still hardly knew each other neither of us talking too much about our past. I've probably shared more with him than he has told me about himself. He's a distant man which adds to his charms. Part of me wants to be around him for that mysteriousness he cloaks himself in.

Anyway there's a low probability anything will happen between us so for now I'll just focus on how I can contribute to the group. Like for instance, Beth, she came too four days ago though she's been very lethargic.

I was currently sitting with the girl and her father who was doing some sort of nursery rhyme and tapping his finger on her palm. This made the youngster smile and warmed my heart to see her slowly coming back to her happy cheery self.

Hmm, no cheery self doesn't sound right. She's definitely still a little ball of sunshine like Carl but the world is changing her. I can see it in her eyes like I've seen it in Maggie's. Her obliviousness to the walkers are gone and the example Shane made has made her cold and dead slightly on the inside, like all of us who've seen the death these past few weeks have brought.

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